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Still waiting for Genie Scout.. Try Scoutmeister

Thread about Scoutmeister
Started on 10 December 2010 by Dunc
Latest Reply on 7 January 2011 by Stam
  • POSTS205
  • VIEWS218243
# Genie : It was said that only *new* features will be available in ads-free versions. So regular GS11 version will be the same as last year.

First of all, great too see u here at fmscout forums eugene, i was a little scared that the scout was not to come this season:) The scout is important too me because i have kids and can not spend hours of looking for the right talent!! So Thank u Eugene:)

Maybe this is a bit early but i have an idea of a new feature too scout: i woud love of i could sort regens by season added if u see what i mean? maybe its not possible just an idea:)

Meister: There can never be enough creators of these programs, keep up the good work:)
# Genie : It was said that only *new* features will be available in ads-free versions. So regular GS11 version will be the same as last year.
Fair enough to make new features only available in the ads-free version, you should consider an early release date for those who make a donation too ;) I will surely pay a couple of beers for you :)
This thread title is too ironic. Should be changed.
# Meister : This thread title is too ironic. Should be changed.
Yeah you are right. Confusing too. Why don't you start a new thread called Scoutmeister or something. I would do it, but think it more appropriate if you as the developer initiate it.
Yeah, probably. That's a good idea.
Dude, I hope ScoutMeister is still coming out!
Of course it is, it just might be overshadowed by the opening of Genie Scout release flootgates.
Shouldn't matter if GS comes out today or next few days. FMScouters would still want to see and try Scoutmeister. :)
That's what I'm hoping for. ;)
This thread is being locked by Meister's request. No more posts are allowed, he will start a new thread about it.

Thanks everyone for your interest and comments! :)

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