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Trainings for FM2012 by macdab55

FT/PT/YT trainings by macdab55

By Updated on Oct 20, 2011   122839 views   4 comments
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Downloads: 46213 / Size: 1.0 kB / Added: 2011-10-20
I have created a training schedules and I wanted to share them with the site.

I have create:
Full Time which is used for players who have full time contract
Part Time which is used for players with part time contracts
and Youth which is for players with youth contracts

In every training schedule you should find:

GK- which is training for goalkeepers
CB- it is a training for central defenders
FB- training for full backs
DMC- which is training for defensive midfielders
MC- it is a training for central midfielders
AMC- training for attacking midfielders
WIG- training for wingers
ST- and training for strikers.

When you downloaded schedules, you should be able to open download with WinRAR. When you open it you should have 3 .tsh files named Full Time, Part-Time and Youth. Put them in Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2012/Schedules. Then in game you click on manage schedules import and import which schedules you want.

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Downloads: 46213 / Size: 1.0 kB / Added: 2011-10-20
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Discussion: Trainings for FM2012 by macdab55

4 comments have been posted so far.

  • macdab55's avatar
    I believe that they don't like it because they have poor professional attribute.
  • quinn1888's avatar
    hi thanks for the schedules. sadly most of my guys dont like it, especially when I have them on individual training too. have tried lowering there workload but it seems to defeat the purpose. any ideas?
  • vivalaheroin's avatar
    really basic stuff., but can't complain, the d/l was free! so thanks for that, but dont see myself using this schedule in my games... sorry dude! just honest opinion, hope u take it the right way
  • rizmanz's avatar
    tks buddy as I'm quite lazy to create my own..and i'm using yours since 09... :D
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