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Romania Unleashed 2010

5 tiers, 2 extra cups, 7 regional cups for lower divisions

By Updated on Apr 01, 2010   9724 views   4 comments
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Downloads: 768 / Size: 51.2 kB / Added: 2010-04-01
-> 5 leagues

# Liga I -18 teams

# Liga a II - 18 teams

# Liga a III-a - 4 subdivisions of 12 teams each.
- playoff after 22 games

* Liga III Transilvania
* Liga III Est
* Liga III Muntenia
* Liga III Banat-Oltenia

# Liga a IV-a - 8 subdivisions of 16 teams each

* Liga IV Nord-Vest
* Liga IV Centru
* Liga IV Nord-Est
* Liga IV Sud-Est
* Liga IV Sud-Muntenia
* Liga IV Bucuresti-Ilfov
* Liga IV Oltenia
* Liga IV Banat

# Liga a V-a - 42 county divisions.

-> 4 national cups + 7 regional cups
* Cupa Romaniei

* Cupa Ligii

* Cupa Regiunilor

* SuperCupa Romaniei

* regional cups
o Cupa Moldovei - Emerich Dembrovski

o Cupa Sud-Est - Gheorghe Hagi

o Cupa Sudului - Nicolae Dobrin

o Cupa Centrala - Michael Klein

o Cupa Olteniei - Ion Oblemenco

o Cupa Vestului - Stefan Dobay

o Cupa Nordului - Iuliu Bodola

Romania Unleashed - Leagues Slideshow

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Downloads: 768 / Size: 51.2 kB / Added: 2010-04-01
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Discussion: Romania Unleashed 2010

4 comments have been posted so far.

  • sun_chris's avatar
    like it very much...thanks
  • asd74's avatar
    Thanks a fine now :yes
  • Addy_G's avatar
    In order to make it work you have to do the following:
    - Install FM2010 Patch 10.3.
    - Copy the downloaded file into ...\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010\editor data
    - When you start the game , Select "Change Editor Data", and than pick the Romania_Unleashed db.

    asd74 , this is not a joke for April Fools. You can check the slideshow at the end of this patch's description. I finished making the database that day and I couldn't wait another day ...sheesh :|
  • asd74's avatar
    Maybe is a joke for 1 april
    Don't work. 2nd division have two groups and other divisions are incomplete said the editor game. ...:lol
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