CrossOver Games -
(this is what i use, I guess the regular CrossOver would work as well as Wine). (You can borrow CrossOver Games from the internet, google is your friend
FM Genie Scout, download it from (extract zip-file to a convenient place).
Install CrossOver Games and start the application, create a new bottle ("manage bottles" in the Configure-meny). To create a new bottle, just click the "+" icon in the lower left corner and name the bottle to whatever you want.
Then click on the applications-tab for your new bottle.
You will now see a "install Software..." button, click it.
Click the "Install unsupported Software..." button.
Click "continue"
Use the existing bottle that you created earlier and click continue
Click the "Choose installer file"-icon and locate the "FMGenieScout.exe" file, mark it and then click "Use this installer".
This will now start the FM Genie Scout on your Mac. To get rid of the CrossOver Software Installer-window i just click "Force installer completion" --> Complete Installer and then "finish".
This is not a perfect solution but it works, I have to do it every time i want to start the Scout but it takes less then a minute.
Good Luck and enjoy! I'll be happy to answer any questions.
Discussion: Fm Genie Scout for Mac with CrossOver
10 comments have been posted so far.
Have you got FM Genie Scout 2010 started with CrossOver ?
have you un-tick "Compress Save Games", hit Confirm and save your game again? And then tryed to load the savegame again?
thanks for the tip!!