The Meeting
Wednesday 3rd July 2013, 17:06pm
I stood nervously outside of Mr. Moyes' office. I couldn't believe I was finally here! I had briefly been to my new flat and dropped off the suitcases, from what I saw it was amazing. Bright white marble kitchen, oh it looked fantastic. A few minutes passed before I heard footsteps make their way towards me, the door made a 'clink' sound, and I was introduced in by the man himself, David Moyes. My teams new hope. He asked me to step in with a huge Scottish smile on his face, and directed me towards a black leather chair.
David: "Welcome to Manchester United Josh! How are you feeling?"
Josh: "Thank you Mr. Moyes. I'm feeling, pretty urm, nervous, but excited too."
David: "There's nothing to be nervous about, you're practically one of us now, however we will need you to complete your Level Two FA Coaching course before we can sign the actually contract, but that shouldn't take to long."
Josh: "Well I've actually almost finished it, I'm a couple of days away now."
David: "Ah! Well that's brilliant then! So, Mr. Arnold did mention that you would be able to help out Paul McGuinness and his team with the U18's but we decided it'd in the clubs best interests, and from what I've heard, yours too, if you were to join Chis Woods as a goalkeeping coach?"
Josh: "Yes of course, I used to be one back in the day. That'd be amazing."
David: "Well I'm glad that's all sorted then. So, I must be off, I need to let one of the cleaners know about the changing room mess. Rooney's hair is falling out again, and I think Mr. Arnold would like a word. See you."
Josh: "Bye."
Richard: "So Josh I just wanted a quick word about the flat. It's rented, not bought, but the owners are willing to rent for as long as needed. I have paid them a years in advance, for you to get some money under your belt, and get your new career started. I too must be off. So I'll leave you to read over those documents, and see you later."
Josh: "Thank you so much for this, you are literally a life saver. See you later."