I picked Stjarnan few reasons. First one of my friends from Iceland introduced me to the club and I thought they were awesome. Secondly they are known internationally for their awesome goal celebrations. I feel they are a pretty good squad that someday they will become champions regularly. My goal is to get them to the top of Iceland as well as a regular in the Champions League. This story will start at the end of the 2013 season.
Around the time I turned 18 I realized that I could no longer play football at such a high level. So I enrolled to the University of Iceland for a BS in Sport and Health Sciences in the trainer program. After finishing my BS I went on to the Masters program to get better qualified. During my time there I also played for the universities football squad.
In the summer I would intern with the club helping with the youth squad during summer. in the Summer of 2011 I took a course to get my UEFA Pro License. I would pass with flying colors. This was hard because I was balancing my masters as well as the license. After finishing school in the Spring of 2012 I was hired as a coach for the first team.