The Life of Carlo

Hello all and welcome to my latest story. I know many will be joining on from the old Chelsea story of mine, whereas some won’t be as interested in this since I ditched it. I’d like to apologise once more for ending the story but I’ve decided to take a new avenue.
The majority of my most successful stories have been with bigger clubs, and the fact that I was finding my Chelsea save easier than any save I have ever played before suggests just how predictable it may have been. I’ll be keeping things simple this time and managing a club you all may have heard of before – Real Madrid!
I know, Real Madrid are perhaps the best, if not, on par with the very best teams in the world, such as Bayern Munich etc. but it’s not a story many people seem to prolong when attempted. I’m curious to see just how good Cristiano Ronaldo can be under my command, what happens when Ronaldo leaves, retires and so on. It's just a chilled out story, perhaps a journeyman story, we'll see!
When your team is as good as Real Madrid’s your target is simple. To win either La Liga or the Champions’ League at least. How about winning it all? Season after season! That’s the aim for this mega club. Enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: All events in this story are entirely fictional and do not reflect the true likeness of these real life figures.