The Decision
July 14, 2014 at 8:00pm EST
Loudoun Soccer Park in Leesburg,Virginia:
So tonight is a big meeting between the members of the board and us coaches. Not sure what it is but I have a feeling it is something to deal with the reorganization of US Soccer. It was a long day for me as Monday's are usually a pain. You know starting the work week and all.
So at 5:30 I get out of my office located in Reston which is located about 27 miles from my place in Hamilton. If it wasn't summer I would probably just drive to the park as traffic on the toll road is a big pain in the ass along with routes 7 and 28. Who am I kidding all the roads here suck. So I get home and greet my lovely wife Allison and we have our dinner. A little bit later it is time for me to head out so then I take the drive back to Leesburg....
So as I thought this meeting was to see if we were interested in joining in to this new system. I for one am for it and i know everyone else is as well. Before all of this was announced the club was in the process of starting a U23 squad. We were looking into joining the NPSL as there was no interference of DC United. With the announcement we are deciding if we want to focus funds to create a pro team.
It is 9:00 and we have been talking it over. After a vote we decide that it would be best to join the fun. Our Travel Program Manager Fionna Legg gave us the option of three different leagues we could apply for. With a vote we decided it would be best to try for US Club Soccer's Colonial Premier League. The colonial league is pretty much for clubs on or around the Atlantic Coast. We fit into the criteria as Leesburg is east of the westernmost boundary of Charlotte, NC.
Now comes the most interesting part of the night. So as we had decided that the best course of action is to join the party we needed a head coach. The current one Jack Edwards was leaving the club at the end of August due to a new job. Despite the fact I was one of the youngest people there I was the Assistant Technical Director and head of the U16 boys program. Our Executive Director Chris Pittman asked during the meeting if I would be interested taking over. Here is what went down.
Chris Pittman: "So we are in need of a head coach then. To all members of the board and coaching staff what do you think we should do?? Hire from within or from the region?"
Various responses are spoken
Chris Pittman: " Ok so I guess we will get someone from here. I guess it is the best way to start with this club who knows a few things on our history and way we operate.What about you Kev?"
The people in room shake their heads in agreement
Kevin Arnold (me): "Sounds good, I have always wanted to be a head coach and taking over for Jack would be an honor."
Chris Pittman: "You are the best choice as you were the ATD and I have seen your potential in coaching. Why don't we talk in the next week or two to hammer out the details and whatnot?"
Kevin Arnold: "Sounds like a great idea."
Chris Pittman: "Why don't we meet at a restaurant for dinner and go over everything"
Kevin Arnold: "Sounds good."
Ok well that was a crazy two hours that went on. Looks like I am now the new head coach for the Loudoun Soccer Club starting on September First. I will have the next several months to find players that are willing to play at the low level we are at. I finally get to start my dream of being a head coach in soccer.
Damn it is 11:30 and I just got home. I woke up the wife with the good news and we are so happy but damn i am tired, it is time to go to sleep as I got work tomorrow. Good night everyone.