Welcome To The Hunger Games!
Hello one and all, welcome to The Hunger Games! This will be a somewhat interactive style of competition to see which one of us can create the best player on FM, and see if he can win the greatest of glories!
Its quite simple, really, and it is loosely based on the system used in the popular book and movie series. Twenty people may sign up, and only the first twenty will be taken, and these people will be randomly assorted in to teams of two. Each season will prove extremely important. For each action the player does, whether that be a senior appearances for his club or win a personal award, the player will earn points. The team which has accumulated the least number of points by the end of the season will be eliminated from the running. When only one team remains, it becomes every man for themselves.
The initial three seasons will be warm-up seasons, to allow the players to grow towards their potential. The next ten seasons will be the true brunt of the competition, as every player fights for every available point. Description for the number of points earned for each action will be described later. There shall also be certain upgrades available for winning the most individual points over a season, or having the highest wage at the end of the season, etc.
Once the game starts, I will post updates from two days of each year: 1st January & 1st July. I will include info of the players' profiles, their points earned, their club's on-goings and their country's on-goings.
Please also note that due to Brexit in the game, I will make things fair for everybody by only allowing European nationalities. This means there will be no problems with work permits. Anybody who decides to not read this and put their nationality as non-European, will have their nationality set to that of Liechtenstein.
DON'T pick a weaker nation just for caps sake, caps for better nations will count for more.
All players will have the same birthday (01/01/1999), the same Current Ability (100), the same Potential Ability (195) and the same Reputation (100).
Please Fill Out The Following:
Nationality (1):
Additional Language (1):
Favourite Club (1):
Favourite Person (1):
Disliked Club:
Disliked Person:
Preferred Foot (Right OR Left):
Primary Position (1):
Secondary Position (1):
Technical/Goalkeeper (3):
Mental (3):
Physical (3):
Personal (2):
Preferred Move (1):
You may also select as many of these extra choices as you want, at a cost to your player's Potential Ability
Nationality: -2 PA each
Language: -1 PA each
Both Right & Left Feet: -5 PA each
Primary Position: -5 PA each
Secondary Position: -3 PA each
Technical/Goalkeeper/Mental/Physical Attribute: -2 PA each
Person Attribute: -1 PA each
Preferred Move: -3 PA each
Injury Proneness Set To 1: -5 PA
What Is The Hunger Games
The initial three seasons will be warm-up seasons, to allow the players to grow towards their potential. The next ten seasons will be the true brunt of the competition, as every player fights for every available point. Description for the number of points earned for each action will be described later. There shall also be certain upgrades available for winning the most individual points over a season, or having the highest wage at the end of the season, etc.
Once the game starts, I will post updates from two days of each year: 1st January & 1st July. I will include info of the players' profiles, their points earned, their club's on-goings and their country's on-goings.
Please also note that due to Brexit in the game, I will make things fair for everybody by only allowing European nationalities. This means there will be no problems with work permits. Anybody who decides to not read this and put their nationality as non-European, will have their nationality set to that of Liechtenstein.
DON'T pick a weaker nation just for caps sake, caps for better nations will count for more.
Create Your Player
Please Fill Out The Following:
Nationality (1):
Additional Language (1):
Favourite Club (1):
Favourite Person (1):
Disliked Club:
Disliked Person:
Preferred Foot (Right OR Left):
Primary Position (1):
Secondary Position (1):
Technical/Goalkeeper (3):
Mental (3):
Physical (3):
Personal (2):
Preferred Move (1):
You may also select as many of these extra choices as you want, at a cost to your player's Potential Ability
Nationality: -2 PA each
Language: -1 PA each
Both Right & Left Feet: -5 PA each
Primary Position: -5 PA each
Secondary Position: -3 PA each
Technical/Goalkeeper/Mental/Physical Attribute: -2 PA each
Person Attribute: -1 PA each
Preferred Move: -3 PA each
Injury Proneness Set To 1: -5 PA