Two very good performers on the face of it. You do right by tying them down on new deals for that added security in case another side makes a swoop for them on the cheap due to the lack of years on their deal.

Once In A Season

We had 2 weeks to spare before our next fixture. I gave the boys a day off. I don't really know whether I did it for them or me. I feel overloaded from work. Training, tactics, transfers, they all take a lot of time to deal with. I needed a break. So I suppose the day off is more for me than the lads. I told dad I was going out. I asked him to come with me, but he said he needed to study for his coaching license. That man never ceases to amaze me. He never gets tired. And so I left my, or should I say our, apartment. I didn't have any plans on where I would go. I just wanted to relax. We have been performing very well lately but every human needs to relax once in a while. Mine just happens to be once in a season. I thought about going sightseeing in Luxembourg but the thought made my legs feel tired. So where did I go? Where every person who wants to relax goes. To a bar. I think it was called Go Ten or something like that.
After entering and sitting beside the barman I ordered a whiskey. When he looked at me he recognized who I was. He said "You are the Racing-Union manager aren't you? Yeah you are. Not really a fan of the club but I recognize good work when I see it. Here, it's on me." I was left surprised. I didn't expect neither recognition nor being given a free drink. I let out a confused "Thank you" before starting drinking the whiskey. I didn't want to get drunk but the whiskey made me feel relaxed. I controlled myself though, as I knew that bad things happen when you're drunk. Around 12:20 am I left.
I didn't want to call a taxi so I walked home. It was a 10-15 minute walk from the bar. I passed some 5-a-side football pitches and to my surprise, they were full. I didn't stop to look at the people playing but I did catch someone wearing a Racing-Union shirt. I smiled of course but I continued. The whole way I felt like I was being spied on. I was around 2 blocks away from my apartment when I was unfortunately proved right. A guy in a grey hoodie jumped in front me holding a knife. He demanded I gave him my wallet. He was a low level thug, nothing more. He was scared. Scared of the consequences of his actions. I knew he didn't have the guts to stab me but I also knew he wasn't going to give up. I was almost ready to give him money when I heard a police siren. He turned around and disappeared in a dark alley. The police car stopped and the policewoman asked me to make a statement. I kindly refused though. I knew that the kid needed the money. Did his ends justify the means? No. But I shouldn't destroy an already bad life. It was a hunch though. For all I knew the kid was a rich prick doing it for fun. The policewoman did escort me to my apartment though. I of course thanked her and bid her farewell.
When I entered the apartment I found dad asleep on the couch. I tried being as quiet as possible so I wouldn't wake him up. I went and had a quick shower before going to sleep. I thought to myself "enough adventure for this season". Tomorrow I was returning to do what I do best. Win matches."
Comment Replies
Scott: Both players are equally important for the club. I was pretty happy when they accepted the contracts.
Justice: We got that out of the way at least. Now we can focus on winning games.
SOA: Cheers mate. Their partnership is outta this world.

Seb: This club is a family. Family stays together.

Jack: Both of their contracts were ending this summer. Thought it would be very stupid to leave two impressive players leave on a free.