League Cup Final

The final had finally arrived. I was not nervous at all, although I certaintly expected to be. This was my chance to make a statement to the other Finnish teams that it is KuPS' turn to be greats! This was my chance to leave my own mark on the history of the club, and I wanted to grasp this opportunity with both hands!

I was ecstatic! I just didn't have any words to describe the feeling. The very last penalty to decide a trophy, as dramatic as the Champions League Final in Munich last year. It was all happening before my very eyes. Without even knowing it, I was running on to the pitch to Pyry Karkkainen to cheer him, to hug him, to let my emotions flood out. It was a fantasy coming true for me, winning trophies as a manager. I didn't want that feeling to go!
Nick Johnson: "I don't know what to say, really. It was an incredible game for us. Winning a trophy gives you such a fantastic feeling, it feels like you are just floating and letting time pass you by while you are in gloryland. This is such a great achievement for us.
This is such a great achievement for me and I am delighted that I could win a trophy so early on in to my managerial career. I want to win more with KuPS, boat-loads. My goal is to make KuPS the best team, the best club in the world and to win so many trophies that you just lose count.
When I took over here, my dream was to build KuPS in to a bastion of invincibilty. You know, like Napoleon had that idea, he would conquer the bloody world. And that's what I wanted, that KuPS would be untouchable. My dream was to build KuPS up-and-up-and-up, so that everyone had to submit, to give in.
Since I've come here to KuPS, and to Kuopio, I have drummed it in to the players, time-and-time again, that it is a privilege to play for you (the fans). And if you didn't believe me, do you believe me now? It is all for you (the fans), every single minute. There is not a single KuPS fan out there who does not deserve every win that we claim. We are building a home, not a future, not a trophy cabinet, not anything else. It is all for you (the fans)!