Thanks mate, also the first page is now updated!
The JK Alphabet Challenge
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Absolutely smashing it! wont be long till you're in the big countries like England and France
Intro Asia now and I'm not looking forward to it i hate the Australian rules there just all confusing and there's no need for them at all but it's got to be done, they've gave me a decent budget and wage budget is good as mostly i tend to go for free transfer because there's always plenty out there.
This is who we are! We are predicted to finish 3rd next year so it's going to be a long season.
Very healthy finances indeed, some money to play around with and the wages budget is so good because that's after i let the contracts run out so the squad is small at the minute!
Some information on the club here, Melbourne will be 3 games to look forward to this season with a historic rivalry, 7900 season ticket holders is massive compared to previous club and I'll be managing on a wider scale so I will be nervous walking out on my first game in charge!
Here is the squad, as you can see pretty small and some of the players that don't fit my tactic will also be going but I've got some wages to work with.
Another small league but play each other 3 times so should be a decent lengthy season for once!
The Job Offer Asia now and I'm not looking forward to it i hate the Australian rules there just all confusing and there's no need for them at all but it's got to be done, they've gave me a decent budget and wage budget is good as mostly i tend to go for free transfer because there's always plenty out there.
Who are Adelaide United FC? is who we are! We are predicted to finish 3rd next year so it's going to be a long season.
How are there finances? healthy finances indeed, some money to play around with and the wages budget is so good because that's after i let the contracts run out so the squad is small at the minute!
Information on the club information on the club here, Melbourne will be 3 games to look forward to this season with a historic rivalry, 7900 season ticket holders is massive compared to previous club and I'll be managing on a wider scale so I will be nervous walking out on my first game in charge!
The Squad is the squad, as you can see pretty small and some of the players that don't fit my tactic will also be going but I've got some wages to work with.
The league small league but play each other 3 times so should be a decent lengthy season for once!
Thank you for 1,000 views people! I hope your enjoying it as much as me.
I hate Australia I'm at work so will probably have update on tomorrow night when I finish league

Thanks lads!
a.b.c.d was really annoying me Glenn
a.b.c.d was really annoying me Glenn

I finish work at 3 then 2 days off I'm hoping to get the A nations compelete! American Samoa and Antigua will be a quick one as they are very small leagues.
Im not really looking forward to Argentina if I'm honest and prob will do it last off!
Also I'm adding a new feature to the game today so stay tuned
Im not really looking forward to Argentina if I'm honest and prob will do it last off!
Also I'm adding a new feature to the game today so stay tuned
Our next journey is now onto Australia and I'm not looking forward to it if I'm honest, I've never been to the league and it's all confusing, i just want to win the league and go! We are predicted to finish 3rd trying to win the league after the first season could prove a bit too tough for me so I'll give it a go and see what happens, I'm not fussed about any continental challenges at the minute as I'll try and win one when I'm in Argentina or a bigger nation. Wish me luck!
So this is my squad after all my transfers and to be honest i struggled quite a lot with all the rules and regulations regarding transfers for example not being able to sign a player from the same division so i just decided to raid all the free transfers of people who's contracts had ran out, I managed to sign some good ones but others are terribly poor and I don't think a 1st place finish will be on the cards.
So as i was saying before just these are the list of the transfers i made and some of the players aren't that good for example the guy from England is poor but he's used for backup and also that Visconte isn't very good either but will be used as backup and hopefully won't have to use them, next season they will be gone if i can raid some more free transfers.
So here are my finances after the signings all pretty good and going strong so hopefully can keep it like that and get some bigger budgets next season if i don't go up and a run in the Asian Confederations Cup could also help me out.
I've decided to go with Sergio Felipe who was already at the club and wasn't one of my signings, he looks like a absolute beast for this division but looking at his history he hasn't scored that many goals in the A-league so pretty unproven and quite a risk but I'm going to give him a chance to prove me wrong and hopefully he adapts to my tactic pretty well.
Here are the completed fixtures for the whole season.
Here is the final table and i was predicted to finish 3rd and did exactly that, i was never expecting to win the league with the squad i had but will make a lot more changes next season and hopefully challenge that top spot. I did start of quite bad to be honest but managed to turn it around mid season where i was top of the league for quite a while, I'm not sure if to change it around a lot because i was only 3 points of the top so maybe get rid of all the 1/2 star players and replace them with some 3/4 stars will win me the league next year!
So as you can see some of the players didn't do very well but then again some of them did excellent so at least I know who I'll be keeping next season!
By a country mile my key player was Sergio Felipe who was fantastic, i took the risk on him and it seemed to work.
The only downside of the season is my finances I've gone from £2 million over a season ago to have -200k which won't help for my budget next season but hey ho.
A intro..
Our next journey is now onto Australia and I'm not looking forward to it if I'm honest, I've never been to the league and it's all confusing, i just want to win the league and go! We are predicted to finish 3rd trying to win the league after the first season could prove a bit too tough for me so I'll give it a go and see what happens, I'm not fussed about any continental challenges at the minute as I'll try and win one when I'm in Argentina or a bigger nation. Wish me luck!
Squad at the start of the season this is my squad after all my transfers and to be honest i struggled quite a lot with all the rules and regulations regarding transfers for example not being able to sign a player from the same division so i just decided to raid all the free transfers of people who's contracts had ran out, I managed to sign some good ones but others are terribly poor and I don't think a 1st place finish will be on the cards.
Transfers at the start of the season as i was saying before just these are the list of the transfers i made and some of the players aren't that good for example the guy from England is poor but he's used for backup and also that Visconte isn't very good either but will be used as backup and hopefully won't have to use them, next season they will be gone if i can raid some more free transfers.
Finances at the start of the season here are my finances after the signings all pretty good and going strong so hopefully can keep it like that and get some bigger budgets next season if i don't go up and a run in the Asian Confederations Cup could also help me out.
My key player for the season've decided to go with Sergio Felipe who was already at the club and wasn't one of my signings, he looks like a absolute beast for this division but looking at his history he hasn't scored that many goals in the A-league so pretty unproven and quite a risk but I'm going to give him a chance to prove me wrong and hopefully he adapts to my tactic pretty well.
Here are the completed fixtures for the whole season.
Final league table is the final table and i was predicted to finish 3rd and did exactly that, i was never expecting to win the league with the squad i had but will make a lot more changes next season and hopefully challenge that top spot. I did start of quite bad to be honest but managed to turn it around mid season where i was top of the league for quite a while, I'm not sure if to change it around a lot because i was only 3 points of the top so maybe get rid of all the 1/2 star players and replace them with some 3/4 stars will win me the league next year!
Squad at the end of the season as you can see some of the players didn't do very well but then again some of them did excellent so at least I know who I'll be keeping next season!
Key player of the season a country mile my key player was Sergio Felipe who was fantastic, i took the risk on him and it seemed to work.
Finances at the end only downside of the season is my finances I've gone from £2 million over a season ago to have -200k which won't help for my budget next season but hey ho.
you have an alright team but Sergio Felipe looks amazing! I'm sure you can guide them to success, good luck!

He does look awesome mate, he's here for another year and won't renew a contract so I've got him 1 more season and that's it!
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