FA Cup 2nd Qual. Round

What a horrible, shocking, disgraceful month. I feel so down right now I could easily just quit right here and find a job somewhere else. The players have been nothing but pathetic all month and we sit rock bottom of the league. If October is as bad as September I have doubt in my mind that I will be sacked.
I suppose the one positive is we got our first win of the season but if I’m being honest we scabbed that. We’ve only mustered up three goals in six games whiles conceding eleven, it simply isn’t good enough.
We also managed to get ourselves knocked out of the FA Cup by a team in a lower league than us! That was a competition I really wanted to have a go at and try to get as far as possible in.
Next month already looks like a key one in my young managerial carier – If I don’t find some points from somewhere it looks like I could be getting sacked with only three months in the game.