The anticipation was palpable. Mair sat in the deluxe chairs with Rene Muelensteen and Mike Phelan. Awaiting the joy or agony that could follow. A hard group or an easy group. Mair lifted his hand to rub the sweat from his brow. The ripple of chatter subsided, down to business. The groups were drawn, a painstakingly slow process. Then they were pulled out of the hat and placed in Group E. MANCHESTER UNITED OF ENGLAND. Mair cursed his luck as Valencia and PSG were chosen to join them along with Feyernoord. Not the easiest of draws but by no means the hardest. Reflecting on the draw Mair said " Yeah it wasn't too bad a draw, Feyernoord and Valencia are clubs that I would call sleeping giants, not done a lot recently but still both strong outfits. And PSG are the new boys with the rich Arabs in charge so they are a force to be reckoned with as well. Not as good as I hoped but definitely not too hard."