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La vendetta del Toro Furioso [FM 2012]-DISCONTINUED

Started on 6 July 2013 by edu1878
Latest Reply on 5 August 2013 by edu1878
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edu1878's avatar Group edu1878
11 yearsEdited

Torino F.C.

In the city of Turin, in fact, football came at the end of the nineteenth century, on the initiative of Swiss industrial and English. Already in 1891 in Turin the football team of the International Turin, presided over by the Duke of Abruzzi, carrying out his work, in 1894 the city became two teams, with the foundation of the Football Club Torinese.

In 1900 the FC Torinese absorbed the International Turin, but the real turning point for the team, which in those years was wearing a shirt with vertical stripes giallonera, arrived Dec. 3, 1906. In the pub Voigt (now Norman bar) in Via Pietro Micca, was ratified an alliance with a group of Juventus dissidents, led by Swiss Alfredo Dick. Since the merger between FC Torinese and the group of dissidents was born Torino Football Club, considered by many to be the oldest football club in Italy. The first President was Hans Schoenbrod, small caliber player but passionate leader, appointed by the Dick for the first year of the life of society.

The playing field for many years will be the velodrome Umberto I, a structure that on May 8, 1898, in the International Exhibition for the fiftieth anniversary of the Albertine Statute, hosted the first Italian Football Championship.

The new company changed the colors in the shell, leaving the yellow-black striped. There are two versions that explain the origin of the choice of shell: for some to introduce the new corporate color was the same Alfredo Dick, fan of Servette Geneva team colors grenade, for others the reasons for the grenade instead arose from roots nobles. In honor of the Duke, Honorary President, was chosen the color of the Brigade Savoy in 1706, exactly two hundred years before, after the victorious liberation of Turin besieged by the French, had adopted a blood-colored handkerchief in honor of the fallen messenger to carry the news of the victory.
Very Nice start I will be following!
Good luck will be following :D
Good luck, Itali, good chose.
Good start, respect for doing FM12, thought I was the only one ;)
Good luck with the story and the upcoming campaign.
Jason: Thanks man.

Walter: Thanks.

Bebero: Thanks, hope you follow.

Lucas: Thanks, I never bothered to get fm 13 as I was really into a save at the time. Hope you follow.

James: Thanks. Hope you follow and that we can get out of serie b.
edu1878's avatar Group edu1878
11 yearsEdited

il grande torino

In season 1928/29 the grenade failed to repeat the feat of the previous season: the title went to Bologna at the end of a playoff decided by a goal from Muzioli to eight minutes from the end. He was the last championship in two groups because the following year the championship was held in a single round, as we know it today. In the first championship in a single round dall'Ambrosiana Inter won the grenade were placed in fourth place.

In the meantime, began to develop the youth division of the big teams, real tanks of resources for the main formations. The Turin created in 1932, in honor of the great Adolfo Baloncieri that left football, has a youth section dedicated to him, the "Balon boys" headed by Carlo Rocco said Carlin, who devoted his life to the young players. From this large reservoir emerged in those years the likes of Raf Vallone, Federico Allasio, Hyacinth Ellena, Cesare Gallea. early '30s Taurus, after the abandonment of the Count Cinzano, he saw a succession of numerous presidents: Ferrari , Vastapane, Gervasio, Mossetto, Silvestri, Cuniberti.
It was a period of instability that will also be reflected in positions not brilliant in the championships of those years: 7th in 1930/31, 8th in 1931/32, still 7th in 1932/33, 12th in 1933/34 and only 14 °, a step away from the Serie B championship in 1934/35. was not until the season 1935/36 which began a revival for the team: the grenade fought for the title until the middle of the second round even if it was to win the Bologna the league title with a points lead over Roma. The consolation for the Scudetto was shaded by the victory of the First Italian Cup, an event that began that season after experimental edition, won by Vado in 1922. It was precisely the grenade the first to win the trophy, with five consecutive victories overwhelming Reggiana 2-0, 8-2 Catania with six networks Buscaglia, Livorno 4-2 and 2-0 Fiorentina. The final against Alexandria held in Genoa, was no history: the Bull prevailed 5-1, winning the trophy with goals from Galli and silane and a goal from striker Buscaglia.
In the season 1936/37 was renamed the Turin: from to Associazione Calcio Football Club.At the end of the season stood still in third place, behind the Bologna Italian champion for the second year in a row, and at Lazio. Finally, after 8 years of bitterness, the derby returned to dye grenade: Taurus prevailed in both games, won 1-0 in the first leg (network Galli) and 2-1 to return (yet Galli and Prato ).
Tournament in 1937/38 the grenade closed with an anonymous ninth, and Campione d'Italy was the Ambrosiana-Inter. Some satisfaction came from the Italian Cup, where the grenade surrendered only in the final. Good, however, the season 1938/39, finished in second place, behind a strong Bologna who overcame the grenade of 4 points. Technical Director was the Hungarian Egri Erbstein, coach Mario Sperone, while the team were joined by the goalkeeper of the Lucchese Olivieri, returning from the victorious World Cup in France '38, and the striker Gaddoni, taken from Piacenza. Balon The Boys continued to constitute the reservoir for the team, right from the youth of Turin came the three samples in the thirties were playing on the midline of the team and that went down in history as the median of the "six elle" Allasio, Gallea and Ellena. Gallea and Ellena also played with Grezar, Loik and Mazzola, the embryo of what would become the "Grande Torino". Hyacinth Ellena was the first player, then coach, trainer, observer and big fan of Taurus, continuing to focus the company still ultraottuagenario.

In season 1939/40, the grenade finish in fifth place, the title was Ambrosiana Inter. But the arrival of the most important was that of Ferruccio Novo, who acquired the company by engineer Cuniberti. It was a real turning point for the company garnet Ferruccio Novo, thanks to his skills as a patron of the arts and a careful administrator and with the help of valuable items such as Janni, Ellena and Sperone, managed to build the team known to all as " Grande Torino ", which is still inimitable. The first era "Novo" was a season of study. They reached the defender Piacentini and the striker Franco Ossola, Varese let him leave for 55,000 pounds, a figure relevant to the market at the time.
In season 1940/41 the Turin was seventh, with the Austrian coach Tony Cargnelli. Bologna still Campione d'Italy, while top scorer grenade immediately Ossola graduated with 15 goals in 22 games. '41 In the summer the president bought Minds II by Fiorentina, Inter II Ferraris and three players from Juventus: Bodoira, Borel and William Gabetto, known as "The Baron". In the season 1941/42 Torino to Andrea Kutik finished second, three points behind Roma, although they boast the best attack in the tournament with 60 goals scored. Novo But still was not satisfied. For the season 1942/43 and Mazzola hired Loik from Venice, Grezar from Triestina and entrusted the technical direction of the first team to Janni, who replaced Kutik. The grenade left badly suffering two consecutive defeats against the Ambrosiana and Livorno, but in the derby of the third day beat Juve 5-2. The tournament was a long head to head between Torino and Livorno, solved only at the last day, thanks to the decisive goal of Valentino Mazzola, who struck home against Bari: Italy 44 points, 43 Livorno.

After 15 years, the Torino again won the league title, the first of five consecutive. In the season 1942/43, the Taurus also won the Italian Cup second with an unprecedented record: 5 wins out of 5 games against Anconetana, Atalanta, Milan, Rome and Venice, 20 goals scored and 0 conceded. Due to World War II championship of 1944 was divided into two groups: the bombing made it difficult to move the teams. The Torino Torino took the name Fiat-sided and also Silvio Piola alongside Mazzola and Gabetto.The championship of the war won, surprisingly, the 42nd Regiment of the Fire Brigade of La Spezia, in the final against Italy, defeated 2-1.
The league tried to slowly return to normal as of season 1945/46: the tournament, back on a national scale, yet provide a first step, territorial, daughter of the logistical difficulties that still made by the master in Italy. The grenade widely triumphed in the group stage and then went to win the championship, beating Juventus in the match on the penultimate day and the tricolor cucendosi permanently to the chest in the last ninety minutes, when rifilarono nine goals in Livorno, while the Bianconeri cousins did not go beyond the equal to Naples. It 's the second championship era Novo, the third in the history of the Toro.
Even more resounding success in the following season, that of 1946/47: the grenade set off well and ended better. If until mid-season games remained open, so it was not in the second part of the tournament, when Mazzola and fellow inanellarono a strip of sixteen match unbeaten run (including 14 wins) and so were awarded
the title again. The Torino was a team that was playing well, and it was fun to dream. The attack resulted stellar year: 104 goals scored, nearly three goals per game on average, and that Mazzola end of the year won the prize for top scorer.
That of the season 1947/48 was not only the best Taurus of all time, but also one of the strongest teams ever. The ranking of the bomber was won by Boniperti with 27 goals, Mazzola Gabetto he scored 25 and 23. These primates established by the grenade in the season 1947/48: score maximum points in the standings, 65 points in 40 races; maximum advantage over runners-up, 16 points AC Milan, Juventus and Triestina home win clearer, 10-0 In Alessandra , 29 overall victories out of 40 games played; most useful sequence of races, 21 games without losing, from the twentieth to the forty-first, with 17 wins and 4 draws; highest number of points at home, 39 of 40, about 20 to 19 games won Philadelphia; highest number of goals scored, well 125; fewest goals conceded, only 33.

For the season 1948/49 Torino He surrendered to the new English coach Leslie Lievesley. It was a tournament fought, Inter Milan and the main enemy of the Italian champions. The Torino finished the first round at the top tied with Genoa. On April 30, at St. Siro Turin, in four-point lead in the championship, drew (0-0) against Inter, placing a mortgage decisive for the conquest of yet another title. Then the team stopped in Milan: the grenade were expected Tuesday, May 3 from a friendly match against Benfica in Lisbon.

Deleted's avatar Deleted
Great start, good luck!
This is an outstanding backdrop for a FM story.
Spend much of my Sunday morning reading about “Il grande torino”.
I had no idea they were that dominant at their peak.

They are on the top of my list for a new story when I am done with my current story and FM15 comes out.
Arvind: um, interesting. Thanks for the comment.
JK: thanks for that, hope you follow.
Northwood: Thanks for that, hope you follow. Not if I get there first.

To all,

This story is still going, I just haven't had any time over the last week so I haven't been able to update. A new update should be up by Monday at the latest.

The Superga Air Tragedy

The sequence of the triumphal Grande Torino was interrupted tragically May 4th, 1949 at 17.05. The Torino players were returning home from a trip to Lisbon for a match against Benfica, agreed between the two team captains.
Mazzola and Ferreira had met during the match between Italy and Portugal played in Genoa. Ferreira asked Captain Valentino dispute with a friendly against Italy on the occasion of his farewell match. Mazzola said agreement and the agreement was soon reached. The meeting was set for Tuesday, May 3, 1949 and Torino obtained by the Federation for permission to forward to 30 April, the match against Inter.
The game against Benfica was a real friendly, training grenade 4-3 defeat with great applause to the captain who abandoned Ferreira football, in a capacity crowd of forty thousand people.
The next day, May 4, the whole team went up the three-engined I-Elce to return home. The weather was poor with low clouds and heavy rain. After the last contact with the radio station, possibly due to bad weather or a fault altimeter, the aircraft crashed into the Basilica of Superga, wrapped in a thick fog. It was 17.05 on 4 May 1949.

The first picture of the tragedy

The shock was enormous and the task saddest of all fell to Vittorio Pozzo, who had to proceed to the recognition of the bodies of his boys. In the Superga tragedy thirty-one people perished among athletes, officials, journalists and crew members. In the incident lost their lives: the players Valerio Bacigalupo, Aldo Ballarin, Dino Ballarin, Emile Bongiorni, Eusebio Castigliano, Rubens Fadini, William Gabetto, Ruggero Grava, Joseph Grezar, Ezio Loik, Virgil Maroso, Danilo Martelli, Valentino Mazzola, Romeo Menti, Piero Operto, Franco Ossola, Mario Rigamonti, Julius Schubert and coaches Egri Erbstein, Leslie Levesley, the masseur Ottavio Cortina with the leaders Arnaldo Agnisetta, Bonaiuti and Andrea Ippolito Civalleri.

Also killed three of the best Italian sports journalists: Renato Casalbore (founder of Tuttosport), Renato Tosatti (Gazzetta del Popolo) and Luigi Cavallero (La Stampa) and crew members Pierluigi Meroni, Celeste D'Inca, Celeste and Antonio Biancardi Pangrazi .

Another picture of the ruined plane.

A long, unbroken procession paid homage to coffins lined up in the Senate, and half a million people participated in the funeral May 6, 1949. The entire city of Turin tightened around the team, a true symbol of an era.
Were present at the funeral representatives of all Italian teams and many foreign teams, a young Andreotti in behalf of the Government and the President of the Football Federation, Ottorino Barassi, who made the call as the team had to take the field. Indro Montanelli wrote: "The heroes are always immortals in the eyes of those who believe in them. And so the kids will believe that Torino has not died: it is only on the road."
Of that great team survived only three players who for various reasons did not participate in the trip Portuguese the second goalkeeper Renato Gandolfi that gave way to Dino Ballarin, Sauro Toma injured his knee and Louis Gandolfi, a young man of the nursery grenade. It also saved Ferruccio Novo, struggling with a bad pneumonia, and the great commentator Nicholas Carosio who remained at home for the confirmation of his son.

The Funeral Procession for the victims of the crash

The season 1948/49 was completed by the formation of youth Turin, who played in the remaining four matches against the youth teams of the other teams. The Torino won all the remaining games, finishing the season 1948/49 with 60 points, five ahead of Inter, second in the standings. But it was a triumph bitter, marked dall'indelebile memory of the tragedy.
On May 26, 1949 was organized at the Stadio Comunale a game whose collection was intended for victims' families.
Against the great River Plate sided Torino symbol, a group of eleven top-notch provided by all teams, who wore the jersey grenade. For the Bull played Feelings IV Manente Furiassi, Annovazzi, Giovannini, Achilli, Nyers, Boniperti, Nordhal, Hansen, Ferrari II, Lorenzi, while star of Argentina was Di Stefano. In a Comunale maxed the game finished 2-2.
Wow, great update. Really tragic though :( like what happened to United in Munich
Walter: Yeah, it was tragic. It was also very like what happened to united in Munich in that it cut a great team down in their prime.

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