Sad to see this go, was great whilst it lasted. Hope you can sort things out with your girlfriend, I have one and we've been close to splitting up once, I know its hard, but chin up dude

2013-08-25 15:08#131342 AlexTHFC :I know Alex... I know
2013-08-25 15:10#131344 The Madridista : Really sad to see this end Matt, this was perhaps the best story on the site for the month while it was around. I'm really sorry that you're not feeling motivated, but maybe you'll have a change of heart somedayThanks Jason. That means a lot to me and I hope that I could write a story as I always feel like it but when I do I struggle to keep motivated and I have not found a perfect save yet at all.Lastly, Im really sorry about your girlfriend, and I hope you can work it out with her. Good Luck!
2013-08-25 15:13#131346 AaronHJFT96 : You will prevail... in FM14!I hope so
2013-08-25 15:20#131349 Lucas_C : Sad to see this go, was great whilst it lasted. Hope you can sort things out with your girlfriend, I have one and we've been close to splitting up once, I know its hard, but chin up dudeThanks mate I hope to get things back on track
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