A Private Meeting Gone Sour
Fabio Cannavaro sat in his office, dreading what was about to unfold. He wasn't looking forward to it at all. This made him wonder why he had became a manager. He had always hated being reprimanded by the gaffer in his playing days but now he would be doing the reprimanding.
His telephone rang.
"He's here Mr Cannavaro"
"Send him in Linda" Cannavaro said into the speaker, as he prepared himself mentally and emotionally to berate the player who was about to walk in.
Pablo Osvaldo strode into the room, a certain swagger about him as if he owned the place. Fabio had always hated that about him.
"Take a seat Pablo" growled Fabio, clear anger etched across his features.
Osvaldo sat and suddenly the swagger was gone, the look of fear on his face was evident, he was terrified.
"Boss, please..."
"Enough" shouted Cannavaro, "You have completely gone against everything that we, AS Roma and myself stand for. You have assaulted a fellow team mate and lost the trust of your team mates. Your girlfirend now also wants to leave you, man your life is a mess. So my question is, what triggered it?"
"Right this is going to sound stupid but please hear me out" said Pablo, his voice trembling, tears glistening in his eyes. "Somebody, who is anonymous, is blackmailing me with information regarding my bad past. He said he would release it to every media outlet in the world if I didn't punch Erik I don't even know why he wanted me to punch Erik. I just had to do it. Please boss you have to believe me."
Cannavaro burst into laughter as he heard this pathetic excuse. "Ive heard some bad excuses in my time but that is the worst of the lot, leave this office and never return again, i am placing you on the transfer list effective immediate."
Osvaldo got up, the emotion had changed from grief to anger, raging across his face as. Fabio quickly pressed the button under his desk that alerted security that he was potentially in danger. Osvaldo attempted to grab Fabio by the throat but Fabio swatted his hand away nonchalantly. His body guards stormed through the door and grabbed Pablo, taking an arm each whilst he struggled.
"I will be back" screamed Pablo as he was bustled out of the room and dumped in the lockable room next door to Fabio's office.
What an idiot thought Cannavaro as he went back to his word search in the paper. The word was loony. Well I know where to find that he thought to himself. Right next door.
A couple of kilometres away a man watched on through binoculars. He was happy with what he saw. Pablo was gone. No way would he ever be back at Roma. His plan had worked. Who would he go for next? He didn't know yet. He would strike swiftly and remove another enemy from within the club. Another player who was getting to big for his proverbial boots. Yes he knew who he would go for. He began to draw up his plans as he prepared to take out someone else, maybe more permanently this time.
Next Update :
Rome Wasn't Built In A Day But It Can Be Destroyed In Less