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Walk On: My Life In Red

Started on 21 October 2012 by The FM Rookie
Latest Reply on 31 August 2013 by Stocke
  • POSTS129
  • VIEWS120237
1 more free Thank You to make it 25? ;)
2012-10-31 01:34#69273 Glenn T : 1 more free Thank You to make it 25? ;)
Nah not rly! i dont like writing stories rather than reading them ! Especially if the story is about one of my favorite clubs ! :)

2012-10-31 10:54#69293 petranqq77 : Nah not rly! i dont like writing stories rather than reading them ! Especially if the story is about one of my favorite clubs ! :)

Well I'm glad you are enjoying this one. :)
Enjoying the story, I wonder if you get Mod and get into SotM :P
Keep up the great work :D
I guess we are all aware of the tragedy that has happened to our beloved website. This does mean that this story will be discontinued due to the site's data loss. Don't worry, there will be another one on the way!
What's happening to the story?:(
2013-08-31 13:05#132555 AaronHJFT96 : What's happening to the story?:(

This thread is 9 months old, and you could have read the post above yours if you wanted to know where the story went.
2013-08-31 13:05#132555 AaronHJFT96 : What's happening to the story?:(

Oh yeah, The FM Rookie also left the site a long time ago.

You are reading "Walk On: My Life In Red".

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