It looks too handsome to be you Rookie!

2012-12-19 08:25#72919 Glenn T : It looks too handsome to be you Rookie!I don't know wether I should thank you or say no to your inevitable sexual approach
2012-12-19 20:41#73014 manchesterblue97 : Will love this story when you udapdate more.I don't know what you are talking about!
Also, was going to comment anyway.
2012-12-19 20:43#73016 or.dabool : *crowd chants: BUY THE GAME! BUY THE GAME! BUY THE GAME!*Two things stopping me from buying the game: time and money.
nah, just kidding. take your time. but we do want to see more of this story
2012-12-23 13:05#73534 mdlp1991 : DEMANDS UPDATE!DEMANDS RESPECT!
2012-12-23 15:23#73552 mdlp1991 : Bite your Pillow, Nick, I'm going in Dry!
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