Speaking of kids, here is Glenn!
I like FM just the way it is, it takes forever to play through a month, let alone a season. I can't (or won't may be more apt) bring myself to play the handheld version or FMC, because it just won't be the same.
It's nice to hear that I played a small part in inspiring you Glenn, and with my workload at the moment, it is fair to say that the student has become the master.
For me, it was Joannes3000 and his Newport story, coupled with Lennarts "Revenge of the Bloods" that got me interested in LLM (and so far I haven't touched it with this iteration).
2012-12-26 11:34#73937 Glenn T :
I remember first discovering FM Handheld 12 in around March or something and after getting really into the game, I started to search the web for more people that share my interest in the game. I was mind-blown when I discovered it was actually a computer game, and that Handheld was just a mini-version of it. This was when I discovered this site in April or May, and couldn't put down Kiwi's story '2021 - Everest of the New Age' or something like that
After I got the proper FM12 in June, I signed up... and here I am! 
Righto, what am I missing? Is someone going Red Foreman style?
2012-12-26 14:21#73960 Bronzy :
2012-12-26 13:40#73957 mdlp1991 :
Bronzy, You May bend over now !