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DF11 - World Cup 2014

This facepack includes all official nation squads & referees of the World Cup 2014! Brought to you by DF11 Facepacks

By Updated on Jul 01, 2014   4 comments
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Size: 75.0 MB / Added: 2014-06-21
FM 2014 Facepacks - DF11 - World Cup 2014
This special DF11 Facepack edition of the World Cup 2014 can be used in addition of the original DF11 Megapack.
(will also work beside any other facepack)

All official nation players, managers and referees are there!

Install instructions

Read the install instruction first as seen in the spoiler below.
These instructions are also included by download.


By correct usage of this pack, the Griezmann face will finally show up in most cases.

A huge thanks to all members of the DF11 team for their dedication to this facepack!

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Downloads: 8079 / Size: 75.0 MB / Added: 2014-06-21
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