------------------- DF11 FACEPACKS ----------------------
1 - Install location:
documents\sports interactive\football manager 20**\graphics
(make the graphics folder by yourself in case you don't have one already)
2 - Correct usage:
Your graphics folder will look like the example below after adding the 'World Cup'folder to it.
Do not change any folder names!
Restart Football Manager or reload skin.
** -----
EXTRA ---->>>
Illaramendi ----------------------
Put the Illaramendi-folder in your graphics folder.
Reload / Restart FM ---> Illaramendi will become visible in game.
3 - Credits
This DF11 World Cup 2014 special edition is made by several
producers of the DF11 team.
---------------------- NAMES ----------------------------
necjeff - Spurs12345 - Bingbangboem - Clowntje - Mena Tallat
--------------------- THANKS! ---------------------------
4 - DF11 Facepacks
Join our facebook page and get notifications for all our packs.
facebook.com \ DF11 Facepacks
All other available DF11 Facepacks addons can be found at the
FMSCOUT DF11 thread.
---------------------- ENJOY! ---------------------------
Discussion: DF11 - World Cup 2014
4 comments have been posted so far.
it was a temporarely add-on