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Tellak's Tiki-Taka Tactic for FM15

A strikerless Barcelona style tactic for Football Manager 2015. Play possession football with great results. Successfully tested with FC Viitorul.

By on Jun 17, 2015   65584 views   4 comments
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Downloads: 13124 / Size: 40.6 kB / Added: 2015-06-17
FM 2015 Tactics - Tellak's Tiki-Taka Tactic for FM15
I wouldn't have created this tactic if it wasn't for Stam. He gifted FM15 to me and pushed me to prepare this tactic for you. I'm planning to repay him by creating a few more during the next couple of weeks.

I started a new save using 15.3 with Viitorul Constanta and tested for an entire season. In fact I replayed the same season twice to apply the necessary tweaks and ensure the tactic works great. With Viitorul I have won all the games in the repeat season (check screenshots below).

It's important to understand that you might need at least 6 months for the players to really get into the tactic; even for Barca this tactic is a bit extreme.

This is the successor of my tiki-taka tactic for FM14.

Some Tips

Very Important: The MCR should be the one executing the corners and free kicks; if the he doesn't, the set pieces fall apart.

For the inside forwards you need players with opposite preferred foot to their position.

You must have players with good anticipation, composure, concentration, decisions, off the ball, teamwork and work rate. "Good" is relative to how good the opposition teams are, but usually 14+ is excellent. Passing is important just for players who will make through passes, basically the MCR (your playmaker).

It's recommended to have players with 2 specific PPM: "plays one two" and "comes deep to the ball". If your players don't have these, you should train them for that. The central defenders don't need these though.
Also the MCR (playmaker) will benefit from having the "dictates tempo" PPM.

For team-talks I usually go with a passionate approach, but if you have a good assistant manager let him handle it.
No need for opposition instruction.

Training: fitness-hard in the preseason, and balanced-average in season.
Match training: tactic at 20% in season, max in preseason.


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Downloads: 13124 / Size: 40.6 kB / Added: 2015-06-17
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Discussion: Tellak's Tiki-Taka Tactic for FM15

4 comments have been posted so far.

  • belkak210's avatar
    the tactic worked wonders until mid-season then i started drawing more and losing or wining by a little bit(playing barcelona), anyone knows why?
  • ddzed's avatar
    Îi super tare! Ar mai fi să adaugi, ca AMC-ul să fie capabil să steie la pândă pentru offside-uri. :)
  • ppfarias1's avatar
    Finally I was waiting for this since fm14 because it worked so go good in my teams last years!
  • barbour_ssl's avatar
    barbour_ssl9 years ago
    Going to try this for the first time, looks good.
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