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FM Assistant 11 beta updated

Compatible with FM2011 and latest patch

By Updated on Nov 18, 2010   28718 views   53 comments
News - FM Assistant 11 beta updated
Kostas has been working hard on his precious free time to produce a FM2011 compatible version for his FM Assistant 11. It's a real-time scout utility similar to Genie Scout and like FMRTE in the way it works in-game. But don't take my word for it, get it and see for yourself!


Bug fixes including the error triggered when trying to access player's profile. Added support for Steam, but needs testing.

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Discussion: FM Assistant 11 beta updated

53 comments have been posted so far.

  • simply_cool's avatar
    this is way2heavy...

    my db has 270k+ players, it took the assistant 'bout 2mins to load the game, more than FM..

    besides that, some bugs, and missing the "small" explanation text every att had (in genies scout) (which has very handy).

    btw, congrats on the looks, and the probable usability of this thing, with some changes (more links and info, searching for teams just to have that small info on them.. get things like "Team Report" and links to the team squad..), u may just have made ur best fm app ever ,)

  • tcv7's avatar
    Still got that prob with the search...It freezes everytime...Any solution...?Any greek patenta kostakis??:P
  • JMcQueen's avatar
    Im still having the problem that it'll freeze when I try and perform a search. Is there any way of working around this?
  • Stam's avatar
    It's not a personal project of mine, so I can't possibly know. I'm referring to the framework of DrBernard. You can follow this link for any updates, but whenever that happens I'll repack FM Assistant anyway.
  • Ernest7's avatar
    thx for the heads up Stam.
    Can you predict when the new version of Framework will be out ?
  • spy's avatar
    @ Reidar84 said on 2010-11-18 11:57

    I try too search regens with pot ab 170 and assistant freezes, try to search free transfer players and assistant freezes, try too search pot ab 170 and assistant freezes, i try too search without filters and assistant freezes, i try too search players with age 37 + and assistant freezes.. always about 30%... when will genie scout be out Stam?? the last version actually works bether for me... sorry for bad english...

    this may be caused in case you are using daemon tools and somehow , you haven't loaded the game image .
  • Stam's avatar
    Thanks for reporting - contract issues again. It should be fixed with the next framework version, hopefully :)
  • Ernest7's avatar
    Stam - It happens on the latest version - 0.96
    I am copying for you the log.txt i got on my logging folder:
    יום ו 19/11/2010 22:45:04
    OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
    OS type: Win32NT
    FM Version: 11.1.1 DVD
    Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Stacktrace: at FMScout.Context.findPlayerContractQuery(Player player, Contract& contract, String& playerClub, PLAYERCLUBSTATE& playerClubState)
    at FMScout.View.MainWindow.PlayerSearchTabItem.retrieveFields()
  • amnon_t's avatar
  • Stam's avatar
    @Ernest: Does it happen with v0.96 or with v0.95? Any log.txt generated within the Logging folder?
  • Ernest7's avatar
    Stam - My database is about 30K players or even less.
  • Stam's avatar
    @joerid: Already explained that in another comment on the download page.

    @Ernest7: How big is your database? If it's more than 100k players, there might be an issue.

    Thanks for your input sciegu and sica2ro.

    @banngr: Sorry mate, can't help you - it's a requirement for the ingame framework :(
  • banngr's avatar
    Blaaaargh. I only have a x36 architecture and net framework 4 is therefore not compatible. Won't open :(
  • joerid's avatar
    Are the download links correct?

    The name zip file states 'FMAssistant11 0.96', but after extracting and running the program, the 'About' window (ctrl+h) tells me it is version 0.95.
    Also, the changelog.txt does not seems to be updated.

    Anyway, thx for the wonderful program.
  • sica2ro2000's avatar
    if i chose by position and select no regen in search works well for every position excepting M position...for the rest works well and finds a lot of players:)...not the same thing on regen players...for example today searched well only st position and i am in the midlle of the championship...for the others positions doesn't work.
  • Ernest7's avatar
    The program freezes when i try to load up the database.
    any solution ?
  • sciegu's avatar
    Well if i don't input any nation, fma shows only players from Brazil, Argentina and of course from Austria.
  • Stam's avatar
    @Reidar: We'll be waiting for an updated framework version then. Contract issues are known current framework problems and they are being fixed.

    sica2ro: Does it happen only when searching for regens? :/

    @sciegu: That sounds weird. I know there are issues with contracts and thus showing various inconsistencies like free players who are not free, but this Austrian only issue is the first time I read about. What if you don't input nation at all?
  • sica2ro2000's avatar
    same thing here:) search bar problem...i run fm dvd vers...updated to 1.1..
    it worked only when i was on summer break with my team...i guess there were fewer regens in the game
    cause after one or two weeks(game weeks) every time i try to search rgn it stops either if i put in the search tab infos about pos,PA,CA...either i don't:(...hope you will find a solution...and keep up the good job:)
  • Reidar84's avatar
    to 18.11.2010 12:56:01
    OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
    OS type: Win32NT
    FM Version: 11.1.1 DVD
    Message: Objektreferanse er ikke satt til en objektforekomst.
    Stacktrace: ved FMScout.Context.findPlayerContractQuery(Player player, Contract& contract, String& playerClub, PLAYERCLUBSTATE& playerClubState)
    ved FMScout.View.MainWindow.PlayerSearchTabItem.retrieveFields()
  • Reidar84's avatar
    DVD versjon latest patch 0.96beta assistant version. Tried it and doesent workshop:(
  • sciegu's avatar
    Hi great stuff but sth strange is hapenning, i can only scout players from Austria...i have changed nations but it seems like there are no other players then Austrian
  • Stam's avatar
    @Reidar: Is this happening with latest v0.96 version? Is there a log.txt generated in the Logging folder? What FM version you have? Try to set a position before you search, it might help with the freezing issue.
    I can't say about Genie Scout yet, because I'm still waiting for an email from Eugene.
  • Reidar84's avatar
    I try too search regens with pot ab 170 and assistant freezes, try to search free transfer players and assistant freezes, try too search pot ab 170 and assistant freezes, i try too search without filters and assistant freezes, i try too search players with age 37 + and assistant freezes.. always about 30%... when will genie scout be out Stam?? the last version actually works bether for me... sorry for bad english...
  • ozzymanborn's avatar
    My game is offline DVD version with 11.1.1 but in "D:/" (Not C:/) and FM assistant not seeing the game...

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