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FM2011 Fansite Kit

Unofficial fansite kit with FM2011 graphics by

By Updated on Sep 29, 2010   21885 views   1 comments
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Downloads: 1462 / Size: 31.7 kB / Added: 2010-09-29
FM 2011 Misc Downloads - FM2011 Fansite Kit
What is this fansite kit?
The last time SI officially released a fansite kit was for FM2009 and FML. Basically, this kit is based on those past kits' structure with updated logos, packshots, screenshots, our custom wallpapers and a modified beginner's guide.

Of course there are plenty of FM fansites by now, but I think most of them lack a decent design as well as a purpose. There are also people who would want to start a new fansite. This kit is aimed to help them, by putting together all available FM2011 graphics so far, plus some wallpapers I produced and a quick guide.

What's included
Football Manager 2011 Wallpapers: x28 (various sizes and styles)
Football Manager 2011 Logos: x6 (various sizes and styles)
Football Manager 2011 Screenshots: x51 (x17 at full size, x7 for PSP, x27 resized)
Football Manager 2011 Packshots: x7 (x5 at high resolution, x2 small)
Beginner's Guide to putting together your own FM fansite

Looking for the wallpapers only? Get them here!!

Important points from the beginner's guide
Why make another FM fansite? Offer something special to your readers. The most common special thing you can have is write your own FM stories and make up some articles out of them.
Obtain a place on the web for your site. Finding A Host Or Some Personal Space, pros and cons - Hosting Tips, registering your own domain name.
Designing your site. Invest some time in finding an attractive layout. A site with brilliantly structured information but an ugly layout will not encourage visitors to stay on your fansite.
Expand your information. Flesh out your site with content from other sources. Don't steal content without permission from the original owner. Update your content regularly for increased traffic.

All football manager logos, packshots and screenshots are copyright of Sports Interactive and SEGA. Most of them were collected from the official SEGA profile on flickr and the official FM website. Wallpapers created by Stam, same goes for the updated beginner's guide.

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Downloads: 1462 / Size: 31.7 kB / Added: 2010-09-29
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I started FM Scout for fun in the distant 2004. I'm proud of how this place has grown into a vibrant community and I try my best to improve it every year. Husband and father of two.

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