Story of the Month
And so returns the greatest monthly story competition there ever was, or ever will be; Story of the Month. Celebrating the greatest piece of story-telling of the site each month, this award is bitterly contested between five of the best stories each month, selected by our premier judges. This thread will be used to announce each month's winner and keep their names written in the annals of history.
Winners of this award will be given a special badge, will have their story set to sticky for 2 weeks, and will, most importantly, get bragging rights over his or her friends across the site! Let the games commence!
The Judges
- Neal
- Walter
- Feliks
- pompeyblue
- Josh_MU
- JasonRM
- Tallery
- Jamesg237
- TodayAtTomorrow
Story of the Month Winners
November: Neal's The Laudrup LegacyDecember: pompeyblue's The Hawks - Dare To Dream
January: Neal's The Laudrup Legacy
February: Walter's A Venezuelan Adventure
March: Glenn T's Rodgers' Reds: Class is Permanent
April: Tallery's Valencia CF: Aumento De Los Valencianos AND
Xander and Feliks' Portugal's Great Divide
May: Glenn T's Rodgers' Reds: Class is Permanent AND
pompeyblue's Santiago Muñez: The Revival, Return, and Uprising
June: Glenn T's Rodgers' Reds: Class is Permanent AND
pompeyblue's Santiago Muñez: The Revival, Return, and Uprising
July: shylax's Leicester City - Survival Consolidation Glory!