Well, that certainly was an eventful day, first we beat Barcelona in the returnleg 3-0, after we won 6-0 in Camp Nou, and going back in my private jet, we ran over some Spanish constructionworkers whilst taking off from the airfield. Luckily my lawyer Jesse Donovan is gonna take care of that.
But the strangest thing happened after we landed on Airport Eelde. Walking into the terminal, we had a sight which was truly unique and it will be etched into my memory forever. A dwarf, not taller than 120cm, was in a threeway fight with a transgender and some guy in a bunny costume. Thats already not an every day sight, but seeing the transgender getting knocked out by a flying dwarf, which got kicked airborne by the guy in the bunnysuit, after he tried to steal the eggs (I hope they were eggs) from the front pocket of the costume was truly a sight to behold.
"Hey you, what the hell do you think you are doing?" were my first really load words towards this strange abomination of human nature. Turning his head (or where his head should be, I hope) he looked at me, and started hopping towards me. "Uwot mate?" and he tried to double kick me. Luckily for him I know some dance moves, stepped graciously out of the way, and he fell on the ground, his cotton tail moving into places where the sun doesnt shine. Seeing him in agonising pan, I helped him to his feet, and took away his gigantous head.
"Well, with whom do I have the pleasure of dealing with?" I asked, barely containing my laughter, seeing an orange tanned person with blue hair coming into my view. "Im Steve Lomax, not Lorax like the cat, but Lomax." "And what do you do for a living?" "Well, Im a bountyhunter, and I want my stephson to play for FCG, but I can't seem to find the FCG coach anywhere. Do you know where he is?" He asked. Now I needed to laugh out load. "You are talking to him, about which kid are we talking here?"
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