Did you take the England job?
# 6294 : Did you take the England job?

# 6294 : Fortunately it's only the Community Shield and not the FA Cup or the Champion's League.
Good luck managing England!
# Tom_BcFC : It could be just me and don't take this the wrong way as i'm not criticizing in any way shape or form, but i'm starting to feel that this story may have lost it's way abit.
When the story started it was highly interesting a lot more in depth detail on games and annual season updates. Now it seems to have been reduced just down to the 'silverware count' and 'end of season awards'. Again it's your story but as a keen reader might I request for abit more detail throughout the seasons?
# joannes3000 : Newport County was the first English team that I picked to coach when I started playing FM09. That's made them my sentimental favorite every time a new FM game comes out.With FM11 I wanted to finally dedicate enough time to get them to the Premier League, and now that I have and had the success that comes with it, I just keep plugging away as the seasons go on.
Things are definitely getting boring because I don't have to do much during games to ensure a victory, and my current motivation is to get Newport's stadium expanded to at least 90k to rival Wembley. That, and I want to get all of my facilities to the top levels (corporate facilities are already there) and see if I can create a football factory that supplies a bunch of players to the English national team.
# tomy : Are you still alive? Managed to complete more seasons? I am in 2020 with the team that I support in Romania, but I have been looking for a new challenge, and I wanted a club with history, an old one, and I found that Newport Co is the oldest professional football club in the world, so wow very good choice there :D, now I see another reason for you to continue, nice work, I might start with them as well \o/. Is France winning everything in your game as well? For me it's France as national team and like 70% of the best players in the world are brazilian :< damn we want some spanish talents!
I managed to build a squad that can dominate Europe from now on I think, but now I want to get my youth academy up, as I have a 40k seats stadium on the way, which is ok for Romania :>
You are reading "An old face in a familiar place".