My first FM-game as an unemployed sunday-leauge footballer i ended up with a totally unknown team, Droylsden - the Bloods! Life was great from day one in BSN, with three straight promotions and pushing for a fourth, the total collapse from there on came as a shock! We fell from the top of the table and was bearley able to clinch the last play-off ticket, though it didn't make much diffrence since we were demolished in the first round... the second season was a struggle from day one trying to keep away from relegation... I ended up leaving the Bloods looking for new adventures, however i couldn't find anything as appealing and ended up starting a new game... but where ever I went I just didn't feel the same excitment and thrill as I had felt at the Butch (Butchers Arms Ground), so I decided to return and fullfill the revenge of the Boolds!
Ah, the joy of being back at the Butch! But there is no time to spear, first order of buissnes: transfer market! With almost no founds, I knew getting quality to come wouldn't be easy, one bright point is the strength my squad already posses though...
Despite the lack of founds I managed to bring some class-players omboard:
Paul Taylor, a pacy striker that I feel has the potential to more or less contrbiute all I need up front
Just pure class winger who has already showed what he can do
I also upgraded the rest of my midfield and got myself a new star CB... looking at my squad I feel that the defence, including my keeper, could be improved, however they should be albe to clich the top-spot without any futher expenses... So this is what my team looks like at the start of the season:
The pre-season was a bit of a rollercoaster, someting I don't mind since players where coming in every now and then disrupting the flow... by the time the season got going for real all the pices seemed to be in place, my only slight concern is the defence as a few easy goals has been conceeded... but overall the team is playing well and my plan to become an offensive juggernaut in the BSN seems to be working... though I am disapointed about letting a 2-0 lead go in my last game... but the guys are still setteling in and as I mentioned before I am very pleased with how thing have started off!