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Revenge of the Bloods!

Started on 14 April 2011 by l3nnart
Latest Reply on 14 September 2011 by l3nnart
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l3nnart's avatar Group l3nnart
13 yearsEdited

My first FM-game as an unemployed sunday-leauge footballer i ended up with a totally unknown team, Droylsden - the Bloods! Life was great from day one in BSN, with three straight promotions and pushing for a fourth, the total collapse from there on came as a shock! We fell from the top of the table and was bearley able to clinch the last play-off ticket, though it didn't make much diffrence since we were demolished in the first round... the second season was a struggle from day one trying to keep away from relegation... I ended up leaving the Bloods looking for new adventures, however i couldn't find anything as appealing and ended up starting a new game... but where ever I went I just didn't feel the same excitment and thrill as I had felt at the Butch (Butchers Arms Ground), so I decided to return and fullfill the revenge of the Boolds!

Ah, the joy of being back at the Butch! But there is no time to spear, first order of buissnes: transfer market! With almost no founds, I knew getting quality to come wouldn't be easy, one bright point is the strength my squad already posses though...

Despite the lack of founds I managed to bring some class-players omboard:

Paul Taylor, a pacy striker that I feel has the potential to more or less contrbiute all I need up front

Just pure class winger who has already showed what he can do

I also upgraded the rest of my midfield and got myself a new star CB... looking at my squad I feel that the defence, including my keeper, could be improved, however they should be albe to clich the top-spot without any futher expenses... So this is what my team looks like at the start of the season:

The pre-season was a bit of a rollercoaster, someting I don't mind since players where coming in every now and then disrupting the flow... by the time the season got going for real all the pices seemed to be in place, my only slight concern is the defence as a few easy goals has been conceeded... but overall the team is playing well and my plan to become an offensive juggernaut in the BSN seems to be working... though I am disapointed about letting a 2-0 lead go in my last game... but the guys are still setteling in and as I mentioned before I am very pleased with how thing have started off!

l3nnart's avatar Group l3nnart
13 yearsEdited
And so I've finished my first month, still undefeated, though, according to me anyway, we lost out on four points we definetley deserved... Taylor will is banned the next game due to yellow cards and I'm keen to see how we'll cope without him as he has scored most of our goals. By the end of the month I clinched the first, and hopefully not last, award.

l3nnart's avatar Group l3nnart
13 yearsEdited
Three months in and I'm doing just fine. We've qualified for the FA-Cup and are doing well in the leauge. My only upset is that we failed the test to play without Taylor, Stafford beat us 2-1 and as a consequence I decided to bring in another striker to shear the offensive responsibility with Taylor. However Stafford is our only defeat this far and after falling back a couple of spots due to the defeat we're now back on top after 5 straight wins. Thanks to the winning streak I was given some praise aswell:

And so the first major step towards greatness has been taken. We're still far from the glory on which my sight is set, but it's a start.

I'll give an more thurough report as soon as the season is over.
would be nice to get some feedback btw!
l3nnart's avatar Group l3nnart
13 yearsEdited
And so the first season at the helm of the Bloods has come to an end. The leauge, as I've showed before, has been a great success, especially the second half

The FA-cup was also a great triumph as we knocked out several teams from higher divisions, though I am a bit dissapointed about how we rolled over on our backs against Middlesbrough...

Since I saw the FA-trophy as a more realistic target for success, the loss here was a lot more painful and the fact that we dominated all 210 minutes of the round where we were eliminated did not ease the pain!

I've always seen the individual stats as a good pointer towards how the team is working (if it's dependant on one player etc.)... by looking on this it becomes clear that Taylor became the superstar I expected him to be... However I brought on two strikers to make sure that injuries wouldn't be the absolute dicider each game.

The only real worry I have atm. is the financial situation, someting I never seem to handle well as a LLM... It seems pretty dark now, but as soon as people start coming to the games (I have a stadiumcapacity of 3000 but only an avrage attendence just above 400 people) and I can let some of my players with outgoing contracts go, I hope the issue will more or less fix itself.

And finally, here is a resumé of the transfer-year (might add that there will be alot of players leaving the club when their contracts are up at the end of the season)
After an intire summer of hard work and struggle I've managed to put togather, what I feel is, a strong side... after letting most of my players go and replacing them I've managed to cut my wages from 8k/w to 5k/w and thus not only improved my squad but also getting a hold of the insecure financial situation.

As I said earlier, most of the team was let go. At the other end of the pipe I made sure to improve my defence, replacing all defenders, including my keepers, except for my RB Gomez... I also made sure to get some depth at midfield... looking at my newley signed players I realize that I haven't brought in a single player whom I'd consider a star, yet I feel very pleased with my squad.

Through some friendlies and the cut-back in wages I've managed to get the financial situation back on track! And to make things better I had an attendence of 1200 on my last home-game (first leauge-game of the season), 3 times my avrage from last year, so providing that I don't need to make any other big signings or someting unexpected comes up, it seems that I have a great season ahead of me!

come on people, would be nice to hear some thoughts on this!
Good job on getting the Bloods promoted, I've been following silently so far. I see some familiar signings like Sam Lavan who will be good for you in BSP and League 2 with his ability and versatility.

Your screenshots are a bit small when opened, try resizing them to a bigger size when you upload them but not too big, 1200xsomething or 1600xsomething rather than 800x.

Keep it up!
Good thing you heard my cry for attention and appriciation ;) well I thought Lavan would be the star of my defence, but I'm actualy a bit dissapointed in him this far... But he'll get until the end of the season to prove himself... I'll keep the size in mind for the next update!
l3nnart's avatar Group l3nnart
13 yearsEdited
And so I've passed the halfway-mark of the BSP. Things have gone pretty smooth and I'm happy with the overall preformance of the team. On the pitch my only concern is, just as last year, my defence, corners in particular. In my last 3 defeats I've conceeded 5 goals, 4 of them from corners, so I need to figure out a way to stop the leakage there. I'm also thinking about getting myself another goalkeeper, Comrie has done okey, but not more, and Irwing is a talent, no doubt, but Comrie is out for almost two months and if Irwing doesn't pick his game up until new-years there will be a new face between the pipes at the Butch!

We were knocked out at an early stage of both the FA-cup and -trophy, I don't really mind though since I belive we'll benefit from this in the leauge, and concidering how close it is at the top, we'll need every edge we can get. I'll only miss the cashflow the FA-cup generates.

So we are sitting at second place, just behind Burton, a seat we've been in for most of the season. As soon as we manage to pass them we play like crap and thus they pass us again, someting we'll have to work on obviousley...
Another thing I'm having some worries about is the consistansy of my best players... Maton and Taylor have played some great games and have good overall records, however they seem to sync thier preformances a bit too well. This is a problem as we become paralyzed up front when none of them are playing anywhere close to thier potential... Blazquez has proved a supersub every now and then, and Murphy has shocked with some longrange-shots (even though he has a rating of 2 in longshots), but the comfortable 3+ diffrence victories have been few and I don't want to be dependant on one man shows every game in order to clinch three points. I'm not so sure if I can do anything about this though, because we lack the founding to be able to replace either of them. The one player I really feel has underachvied this year is Julien Oliver, he's had some great games, but they have been few and he's struggeling to maintain an overall rating above 7. I know some other teams have their sights set on him and I've gotten offers around €50k, which I have rejected right away, but if I get offers around €100k I'll probably be litsening a bit more carefully this time around...
Irwing let in 5 goals in 3 games and managed the embarrassing amount of ONE save, so here is the new face, so to speak...

End of season report

What looked to be yet another cruise to promotion turned in to one of my most nervous leauge-stretches ever! With 6 games to go and an 8-point gap down to second place i felt sure about clinching a comfortable leauge-title and promotion, boy was I wrong! Some bad choises, the synced lack of preformance previously mentioned combined with a tad of bad luck proved costly and the title was all of a sudden up for grabs again.

With two games to go I was still in a favourable position, 5 points ahead of second placed Oxford and 6 points ahead of 3rd placed Newport. The first opposition was Grimsby, whom I demolished away from home in the previous encounter, so I had a good feeling, despite our bad form. I controlled the game from kick-off, but just as my last couple of games, Maton and Taylor refused to score. Then, after 88 minutes of nailchewing, Taylor met a cross with his forhead and I couldn't stay away from screaming out the joy, when suddenly the players stopped celebrating and it became clear that the goal had been disallowed due to an offside. To make matters worse the re-play showed that he was clearly onside! One minute in to injury-time Grimsby was given a corner, I shivered and remembered all the games I had lost due to late set-picses. The corner was met by a Grimsby-player and the header looked like a certian goal, when suddenley, the FMgod showed some mercy and pushed the ball into the crossbar instead of the net! The ball bounced onto the feet of Oliver who made a fabolus run and passed the ball to Maton who executed a magnificant shot into the far corner! Once again I was overwelmed by joy, until the worst de javú moment of my life, once again the assistant had waved his ugly yellow flag and once again the replay showed it to be a bad call! As I thought I couldn't become more upset Grimsby was awarded yet another corner, and guess what! This time the FMgod spat in my face and made the ball go in off the crossbar! And suddenly defeat was upon me.

The scene of my last game was no less then a packed Butch! Facing us was Kettering who fought relegation, 1 point from safty. Whilst I had suffered defeat my last game Oxford took care of buisness and were now 2 points behind. Knowing what had happened over the last month I couldn't help the swet I felt running down my arm. Though I was calmed down by an early goal signed Taylor and a good overall team-prefomance. But 55 minutes in, Morini decided to do a de Jong, brutally smashing an opponent, and so we were down to 10 warrios left in Hells Gate. Eleven minutes later Gomez decided to follow his example, suddenly we were down to 9... deciding if I should bunkre up around my penalty-area or try to maintain possesion requierd some serious headbaning of the wall, finally I decided to play a 3-4-1 with ONE cb... a bold decicion that paid off bigtime! In true Bloods-fashion Taylor decided that he wanted to play in Leauge 2 next season, so he toyed with 3 defenders and hammered the ball into the net Carrol-style! The joy was indescribable!

So obviousley a good year for the Bloods! Even though it got unnecissarily exciting... As far as individual preformances go I can't say I'm overjoyed about anyone... Taylor became the BSP's top-scorer and Maton had the highest overall-rating, but the fact that they failed to devliver at all on so many ocasions leavs me split when deciding wether to be pleased or not...

The financial situation hasn't been sorted as well as I hoped. This is very disapointing since I have't payed a dime for transfers and have been operating well under my wagebudget... But I still have hopes for these issues to fix them selves as the team evolves! And even though we lack founds atm it's important to remember that we did turn a profit this season! something I belive we'll continue doing

Congrats on promotion but what a cruel game against Grimsby, 2 disallowed goals and then losing in injury time! You got a pic of the final league table?
Yhea, that was probably the wierdest and most heartbreaking game I ever played! Realized I forgot just before I went to sleep :P

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