Ok People, the Big season update (played alittle qwuicker than thought XD)
First of all: this season was shit. Goalies we're bad, defenders even worse, and still my strikers couldn't score
I'll divide the seasosn in 4 quarters:
Quarter 1, Pre-season:
Pre-season was the time to clear my selection from all the freigners. Bought and loaned a bunch of players, Best of those were Marco Van Ginkel (L), Anouar Kali (L), and Memphis Depay (L). Best player really bought was my leftback Shakison.
We started in my favorite 4231 formation, which is a formation for teams which can score. aso I made a defensive 42121 just in case. My bunchload of players were all just happy with the squad balance.
The Aim, and the budgets: Aim: left row (=top 9), which gave us the small budget of 23.19K of transfers, and 30,15K of wages. Not surprising we had a 59K debt
So with a good squad (I thought) I went in to the first season.
Part 2: the beginning of the season:
We started pretty well, and with 4 wins in the first 6 Matches we were 5th. That we drawed at the (later 1/2finalist Cup) FC Dordrecht, and lost against demoted Sparta, No3 in 1st league PSV amd the later champion of my league Telstar didn't worry me. this part was ended with 2 losses, 3 wins and 3 draws, and at that point we were halfway the competition in November.
Part 3, I'm getting annoyed:
Did I start with place 8 at this time, I ended on place 17, due 6 losses and 2 draws, in 8 games. Pretty annoying, as my aim was 8 places higher. I did wat was needed, and bought a new goalie, from a direct opponent. It had costs me some money. So wehen those matches were over, we would be ready for the last months. I bought 1 new goalie, 1 new stiker, 2 CD, 1 RB, 1 RW, 1 CAM and 1 CM. Most of them were free, only 1 CD and the goalie costed me money.
SO let go to the last part:
Part 4: Rising from the death:
9 points behind, 9 games to go, and an almost completely new squad. It became do, or die.Maybe lose worthly with 2-6 and gotten in a fight, than just accepting a defeat. And we won our first game, and our second, and the third. Just when I thought that we were good, we lost. % games to go, and 7 points behind. And than come the best streak of the year, 1 draw, 3 wins, and another draw brought us place 9, at goaldifference, which we lost. If I had won the last game I had finished 5-7, depending on my amount of goals I scored.
After all, we had a good season. Without looking at my finiances, we took 1.2M profit, which was absolutely wonderful

My aim for next season is still the same, only my resources are better