Three Out, Ruiz In

New West Ham Chairman has today confirmed his first signing of the season. Bryan Ruiz from Fulham will join the club in a sway deal involving two players Mohamed Diame and Guy Demel going the other way aswell as a small fee of £2,000,000.
Kolatowicz was said to be interested in offloading Diame after he admitted he wanted out and Fulham were his most likely destination and after some serious talks with Coel Dillen the new chairman of Fulham, they both came to the conclusion that they each wanted each others players and decided that the swap deal seemed the most logical move, with an offer of £17,000,000 and £1,000,000 for each of the West Ham players it would seem silly to accept these offers and then approach Fulham for Ruiz and hand them the money straight back over.

Kolatowicz has also decided that Marouna Chamakh is no longer needed by the club and has had his loan deal terminated with immeidate effect and he will return to Arsenal within the next few days