News Online says Dinamo manager Diazepamll take his home from Amsterdam in his truck while team and most of boardroom went back to Zagreb where lot of BBB waited them but also even there was not looking good after Chairman was attacked by BBB.
It is also known that Diazepam ll sell his last truck so there are no clues yet from where he get it. Any way after he take truck in drunk state he went from Amsterdam to Zagreb, some peoples sayed that he stop on few gas stations to get more booze and also few seen him parking near Burger King...
After that he cross the Italy border and Croatian police was notified. After few hours few peoples on road to Rijeka sayed some guy with truck was driving like crazy.Policewent into chase and finded Diazepamll truck but he did not wanned to stop. Also from truck there was Dinamo hymnes going on.
After 20 minute chase Diazepam ll lost control and flip with truck...
One police man sayed "We are not sure how he was survived all that trip and then survived flip. We found his truck totaly destroyed". "We also found that he cannot speak of amount of alcohol in his blood, he was lucky mother fuck".
After that he was imidiate put in jail and last we know he will not go to Kantrida to whatch Rijeka vs Hajduk on Kantrida.
With minor injuries we found that he will be released and get on trial for multiple charges.
No one from Dinamo wanned to comment what has happen but its obvious that Dinamo manager will go trough hard process.
BBB waited GNK Dinamo players after win over Ajax
They only destroy fun after attacking Chairman. Diazepam ll was of course off since he drunk destroyed truck