1' Hajduk got the game underway
9' Penalty for Hajduk given
10' Milic shoots but Kemenes saves
15' In first 15 minutes Hajduk looks more dangerous than Honved
First 15 minutes of play stats
25' Honved wingback Lovric injured
27' Andrijasevic
His first goal for Bili. It was bad positioning of DC Honved player Debrecen.
Hajduk v Honved 1:0
29' Jonjic
Match Stats after 30 minutes of play
First corner for Honved in 33'
39' Honved trying to find path to Hajduk box but they cannot break Hajduk defence and most of the time they get themselfs in counter attack.
End of First Half
Half time statistics
Action Zones first half
45' Honved kicks off - no substitution on either side
49' Testardi
Hajduk - Honved 1:1
49' Goal for Honved - After Martinez taken free kick ball somehow gets to Testardi. Blazevic couldnt do nothing.
After Terstardi lucky goal Hajduk players had gone anxiuous for some time. Its 60' minute at Poljud and Tudor changed formation to 4312. Both side make for one substitution for that period and both teams now looks equal.
62'' Testardi
Hajduk - Honved 1:2
62' A great cross from Martinez found badly marked Testardi who makes his second goal.
64' Patrick Hidi
Hajduk Substitusions
Jonjic and Caktas for Bencun and Vukovic
On the other side Csabi has came to game for an injured Barath
67' Vrsaljevic tryed two times long shot but both has gone well wide
71' Honved players are stealing time to Hajduk who are trying to equalize
72' Tsetardi was in great position for hat trick but it hits side neting
74' Ivan Vuković
Hajduk - Honved 2:2
74' Mislav Andjelkovic cross ball to Vukovic in penalty area and Vukovic shots it in goal without mercy. All square at Poljud.
Match Statistics after 75'
76' Maglica
Hajduk Substitusions
Oremus for Maglica
On the other side Moga came for Hidi
78' Honved changed to 442
Last ten minutes on Poljud. Honved trying to hold on a great result here if they manage to end it with this score to end. On the other side Oremus is giving all of it to break Honved defense.
85' Csabi
89' 3 minutes added on
91' Great chance for Oremus but he head it over goal.
93' All over at Poljud, Honved will take this.
FULL TIME Hajduk - Honved 2:2