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FM Scout - A Community United

FMSU is a team full of some of the members of FM Scout!
Started on 3 July 2013 by Nathaniel
Latest Reply on 20 August 2013 by Nathaniel
  • POSTS86
  • VIEWS42164
Ah, thanks ziech!
Deleted's avatar Deleted
Can't wait for more, so much potential at the minute but you need to get on with the games! :)
2013-07-07 07:22#118524 MrJK : Can't wait for more, so much potential at the minute but you need to get on with the games! :)

Building the suspense JK! Whilst I finish editing the database!
I would just like to take a moment to thank everyone for the comments and views! Much appreciated! Also sorry about no update, mainly due to the site being down and all that!
2013-07-08 11:31#118660 Nathaniel : I would just like to take a moment to thank everyone for the comments and views! Much appreciated! Also sorry about no update, mainly due to the site being down and all that!
Oh good, it wasn't just me that couldn't get on for a while... was beginning to panic yesterday lol
2013-07-08 11:37#118661 ziechael :
2013-07-08 11:31#118660 Nathaniel : I would just like to take a moment to thank everyone for the comments and views! Much appreciated! Also sorry about no update, mainly due to the site being down and all that!
Oh good, it wasn't just me that couldn't get on for a while... was beginning to panic yesterday lol

+1 to that :s
Almost finished editing guys! Should be able to actually start the save soon!
*sits on the edge of his seat waiting... patiently but excited...*


Right Guys, this is an urgent update to say that I will no longer be carrying on FMSU as I feel it is too time consuming and I just don't enjoy the save! Don't get me wrong I enjoy the story but not the save! However there is some good news as I have sent the database to Kane and he may be carrying it on. Sorry and thanks for all the views and comments :)

Yes, I may be carrying on. If the database is good, I will... Decision to be announced tonight.
2013-07-10 13:12#119143 ziechael :

Potential Revival?

Would anyone be interested in a potential revival of this story? I would need to do the signup thread again as I feel it would be unfair to include the current players as some have left the site and others are not active enough to deserve a place.

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FMS Chat

hey, just wanted to let you know that we have a fb style chat for our members. login or sign up to start chatting.