Revenge: The Story of the Shadow
15th April 1989
The wind blew onto my sweating skin, as the roars of the crowd engulfed the stadium. My first football match with my parents and my little brother, Toby. Toby was a massive football fanatic and he would always go with my parents to the matches while I stayed with Mrs. Chen next door. This time, I decided to go along, rather than twiddle my thumbs for 3 hours with a grumpy cat lady watching her serials at the highest possible volume, due to her poor hearing.
Suddenly a loud thump was heard next to us, and as I turned my head, there were people flooding into the stand. I asked my mother what was happening and she said she didn't know. My father moved cautiously towards the crowd to closer inspect the situation when a man was flung out of the crowd, covered in blood.
The next few minutes were a blur. I could vaguely see the figure of a police officer cowering behind the seat and next to him a woman with a cut on her head, blood spewing out. I rushed to reach for my brother, but my flailing hand only caught the cold seat handle. I turned to see my mother, father and brother no longer next to me.
I ran as fast as I could towards to exit, but I was met with a barrage of bodies. I frantically searched for a way out but I could see nothing close to me. I backed myself into the wall, when I felt a grill located on the surface. I pulled with all my strength and heaved the grill off. Finally, I
took a last glance around for my family, but could not find anything. Then without any hesitation I lowered myself into the small gap, closing the grill above me. I was safe. I could not say the same for everyone else out there. Oh, Toby, where are you?
Hillsborough victims
John Anderson
Marge Anderson
Toby Anderson