Tato22 skin for Football Manager 2022
- Based on Tad Twenty and Tato21 skins
- Includes instant result buttons (before match and in match)
- All the main profile panels redesigned with an emphasis on improving usability
- Comprehensive Home Panel
- Touchline tablet & information popup between match highlights improved
- Expanded the competition panel to include important tabs
- Direct buttons "make sub" and "opp. instructions" on the match screen
Tato22 Skin Preview // FM22 Screenshots

Discussion: Tato22 FM22 Skin v. 2.3
54 comments have been posted so far.
Step 1: Change the zoom level in the game settings from 100% to 90% or 85%.
Step 2 : if you're using windows go this directory "C:\Users\what ever you named your PC\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\Preferences\version 2" scroll down untill you see a file named "ui_zoom_level" open it with notepad (or whichever notepad editor you use) then change the value (after 0.) to something like 0.750000 (in my case I used 75% zoom out, so change to whichever zoom out you need) and then save the notepad file. hope this helps.
Wielkie dzięki Szymon. Szacun.
can you update skin for 22.3 version?