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Tato22 FM22 Skin v. 2.3

Tato22 skin for Football Manager 2022. Optimized for Full HD screens, with instant result buttons. "This skin is, without doubt, a standout - a terrific touchline tablet screen in-match and a lot of information on the screens" (FrazT, SI Forums 04/12/21)

By Updated on Apr 19, 2022   260741 views   54 comments
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Downloads: 84642 / Size: 7.7 MB / Added: 2021-12-05
Football Manager 2022 Skins - Tato22 FM22 Skin v. 2.3

Tato22 skin for Football Manager 2022

  • Based on Tad Twenty and Tato21 skins
  • Includes instant result buttons (before match and in match)
  • All the main profile panels redesigned with an emphasis on improving usability
  • Comprehensive Home Panel
  • Touchline tablet & information popup between match highlights improved
  • Expanded the competition panel to include important tabs
  • Direct buttons "make sub" and "opp. instructions" on the match screen
Have fun! Woz.

Tato22 Skin Preview // FM22 Screenshots

How to install the Tato Skin on FM22

Simply move the downloaded Tato22_v23.fmf file to your "skins" folder and select the skin in-game (preferences area).

Download Now
Downloads: 84642 / Size: 7.7 MB / Added: 2021-12-05
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Discussion: Tato22 FM22 Skin v. 2.3

54 comments have been posted so far.

  • leooocheng's avatar
    Wozzie is still working on the skin. You can find more details on his twitter @wozziefm
  • Velarskud's avatar
    Has tato23 not been released yet?
  • dosh's avatar
    Today is the day?
  • Stam's avatar
    @Velarskud @kostek: Tato'23 is expected to drop on November 8th.
  • Velarskud's avatar
    Hello, I am the most loyal fan of tato skin, and tato is the best skin I have ever used. I really can't endure the playing experience of fm23 without tato skin anymore. May I ask when we can meet version 23 of tato skin?Thank you very much!
  • kostek123's avatar
    Fm 23 ?
  • Azzuri's avatar
    Love this skin. I'm having an issue but not sure if it's the skin but when looking at the scout cards the key attributes are not highlighting.
  • A_Rhodes's avatar
    Anybody know why my skin messed up and started looking like this? Can't seem to fix it. Tried changing skin, clearing cache etc.
  • theonlyen's avatar
    consider to put on the assist goal scorer under the goalscorer? so we dont need to look at the hole table thing. It is much better if so. Like TCS
  • JustName's avatar
    Hi, my facepack is not loading properly at 125% zoom. I can see them at 100% zoom.
  • FMed's avatar
    For those who want to use this skin for low resolution PC's/Laptop version all you need to change is 2 things.
    Step 1: Change the zoom level in the game settings from 100% to 90% or 85%.
    Step 2 : if you're using windows go this directory "C:\Users\what ever you named your PC\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\Preferences\version 2" scroll down untill you see a file named "ui_zoom_level" open it with notepad (or whichever notepad editor you use) then change the value (after 0.) to something like 0.750000 (in my case I used 75% zoom out, so change to whichever zoom out you need) and then save the notepad file. hope this helps.
  • Forza Violet's avatar
    Thanks for this great skin. Would it be possible to create a version including fitness in % ?
  • pandacc20's avatar
    la mejor piel, la sigo del el 2020, 2021, 2022, y es la unica piel que necesito
  • Piotr Sebastian's avatar
    Extremely, tremendous, exceptional. The only skin I have. The only I want. I can hardly imagine the game without TATO anymore. RESPECT.

    Wielkie dzięki Szymon. Szacun.
  • PedroVSC1922's avatar
    Hi men, I really liked your skin, really very good! But unfortunately I can't use it on my laptop, is there any chance you can make a low resolution version pls?
  • bitzutherock's avatar
    Hi! Nice skin, I would use it but the tactics team view is not properly displayed before a match, on a laptop.
  • heygra's avatar
    Thank you! Great skin! How to set background transparency? 80%
  • pinball_88's avatar
    Hi! Where can I find this picture inside the skin folder?
  • loosainfin's avatar
    HI I'm big fan of your skins.
    can you update skin for 22.3 version?
  • Seminar's avatar
    On the start screen, the "START A NEW GAME" button does not work. When you switch to "SELECT GAME MODE" there are only 5 black squares without labels that do not react. The original and other skins work fine. How to fix it?
  • Deduice's avatar
    Is there a way to make this work on FM21? I've tried and it didn't work
  • AriCuervo's avatar
    Nice skin bro
  • Kogutrts's avatar
    On pictures it have pleasant dark background color with violet column on left . I have some bright stadion as backgorund picture . How can i change it ? Thanks for answer and your time
  • FM Gaming's avatar
    this is a beautiful skin and i hope you can add CA as well as PA to the skin to make it perfect
  • Hubby's avatar
    Amazing, seriously.... TOP skin. Dzięki.

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