Why 1.11 doesn't starton Vista. I can't run the .exe even with this version. Can i do something on my system settings?? Please help
Other people on Vista are able to run the app fine guys. I don't know the reason, but it would help if you could post more details about it. If the app crashes on start or doesn't do anything, and if it crashes what does it say as technical info.
i have the same problem.. like most of the people here...
i am using XP .. i don't know what SP ...
stam do you think that if i update my SP it will work???
i am using XP .. i don't know what SP ...
stam do you think that if i update my SP it will work???
I'm guessing that it has to be something about an update of Windows, because most people can run the program fine now at any OS (XP, Vista, 7) and some others can't and they either get an appcrash or nothing happens; I think nothing happens if you're on XP and the appcrash throws if you're on Vista/7.
A user who had this problem and used Windows Update helped him to run the program fine afterwards, so it's the best I can advice you mate.
A user who had this problem and used Windows Update helped him to run the program fine afterwards, so it's the best I can advice you mate.
I have got also a problem with the new genie.
The other genies of patch 10.2 worked very well.
I used windows update. Updated everything what windows found. All my drivers of my PC are up to date. And my save games are uncompressed.
The other genies of patch 10.2 worked very well.
I used windows update. Updated everything what windows found. All my drivers of my PC are up to date. And my save games are uncompressed.
Firstly thanks to Eugene and everyone else for taking the time to design the app for us.
Sadly, I'm having the same problem, I've updated windows and Java.
Click on genie and it looks like its gonna work and then get the message,
FM Genie Scout 2010 has stopped working
...and then windows closes it
If anyone has any more ideas I'd be happy to hear them,
Sadly, I'm having the same problem, I've updated windows and Java.
Click on genie and it looks like its gonna work and then get the message,
FM Genie Scout 2010 has stopped working
...and then windows closes it
If anyone has any more ideas I'd be happy to hear them,
I've got the same error message as Aramis. But I've also found a way to avoid that error.
The error is :
The way to avoid it : Just make sure that on game start "Add Key Staff" is off.
The error is :
The way to avoid it : Just make sure that on game start "Add Key Staff" is off.
Accept my savegame is 240 mb big and I am in the year 2012 already after winning with porto and manchester asked me because ferguson retired. So that is not the sollution for me

I have same error as everyone else using Vista (StackHash_41ea). Updated my Java and Windows and it still does not work...
I have the same as many people in this thread... I have Windows Vista SP2 and when i double-click Genie Scout it crashes...
You are reading "V 1.11 won't run".