If you want to help localize GS in many languages, you may post here about your interest and also submit your completed language files.
This year there's an extra motive for you to do it the competition continues!
People who will translate Genie Scout into a new language or update/complete current available languages will get the ads-free version without a donation.
Thank you!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
English is the only language that is completely translated and updated.
Download English Language file
I have made some lists of languages to be translated and assigned members who declared an interested to them. I believe there should be a max of 2 translators per language, so wherever there are more than 2 it should be either the first 2 or they communicate between them and decide who are going to be the 2 translators.
Here's a complete list of languages we want and don't have yet:
Chinese (traditional) - ahsoon - DONE
Japanese - Zeggy - DONE
German - zikoscheng - DONE
Korean - libreidy - DONE
Arabic - Cenntrino
Dutch - Zonnegod, funny
Indonesian - arsnby, bakaten - DONE
Hungarian - zholtan - DONE
Czech - mara.sustai
Greek - Castiel
Danish - Scousertommy, Jedermann
Norwegian - Vidkun_Iskariot, tjodolf
Serbian - www.balkanpesbox.com, boyshane - DONE
Catalan - trobador00
Croatian - SakyOS
Malay - TPK
Armenian - Vangelis21
Macedonian - bavarec
Romanian - Flo19
Albanian - cadchee
Slovenian - zatarra83
Latvian - Decalogy
Bulgarian - Mitko - DONE
Basque - pandiko
Finnish - fmelro
Filipino - xgriever
Hindi - andybond
Up to two (2) people allowed per new language.
A list of 70% complete languages (all hints are not translated):
Hebrew - mostly.harmless
Chinese (simplified) - ameniste
Portuguese - Fsousa - DONE
Russian - partanen - DONE
Spanish - fananu - DONE
Swedish - Jangan
Only one (1) person allowed to complete the 70% complete languages.
A list of 99% complete languages that need minor updating (only players top lists captions need to be translated):
Polish - jose77 - DONE
Brazilian Portuguese
Italian - xalphax - DONE
Thai - hutoew - DONE
Vietnamese - hades91 - DONE
It would be ideal for these languages to be updated by the same people who originally translated them.
If someone else wants to do the remaining 1%, which applies to the 'g' version only, please note there should be no reward for him as it's a very minor task. Some exceptions may apply, depending on Eugene's judgement.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Download English Language file. Once you extract the .zip archive you'll end up with English.lng file which is a text file which saved in Unicode.
It can be edited by any text-editor that supports Unicode. Notepad from Windows Vista/7 support Unicode. In Windows XP it should be used external editor that supports Unicode like Notepad++.
Left side which is in UPPERD_CASE shouldn't be edited, these are links. Right side after the "=" sign is a text which should be localized.
To update current available language corresponding file can be edited directly, new languages can be created based on English.lng.
First section [LANGUAGE_INFO] contains basic settings:
NAME - language name in English (like Ukrainian)
NATIVE_NAME - language name in translated language (like Українська)
FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE and FONT_CHARSET shouldn't be changed
GUI_FONT_* is a font of graphic window (player/club info)
AUTHOR - localizator name
VERSION - localization version
The '&' character:
It marks the shortcut letter. Example: &Options means if you press [Alt]+[F]+[O] it will open the Options menu.
You need to change the '&' position when localizing to make the shortcuts to work and to avoid the repetition: Example: in the menu there is 'About' and 'Help', in English it works fine but in Portuguese it is respectively 'Acerca' and 'Ajuda' so I must change the '&' position, because if I don't do so, both words will have the same shortcut: [Alt]+[F]+[A].
You may as well remove '&', it's not a big deal.
In case of any questions please contact Eugene.
This year there's an extra motive for you to do it the competition continues!
People who will translate Genie Scout into a new language or update/complete current available languages will get the ads-free version without a donation.
Thank you!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
English is the only language that is completely translated and updated.
Download English Language file
I have made some lists of languages to be translated and assigned members who declared an interested to them. I believe there should be a max of 2 translators per language, so wherever there are more than 2 it should be either the first 2 or they communicate between them and decide who are going to be the 2 translators.
Here's a complete list of languages we want and don't have yet:

Up to two (2) people allowed per new language.
A list of 70% complete languages (all hints are not translated):

Only one (1) person allowed to complete the 70% complete languages.
A list of 99% complete languages that need minor updating (only players top lists captions need to be translated):

It would be ideal for these languages to be updated by the same people who originally translated them.
If someone else wants to do the remaining 1%, which applies to the 'g' version only, please note there should be no reward for him as it's a very minor task. Some exceptions may apply, depending on Eugene's judgement.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Instructions for localization process:
Download English Language file. Once you extract the .zip archive you'll end up with English.lng file which is a text file which saved in Unicode.
It can be edited by any text-editor that supports Unicode. Notepad from Windows Vista/7 support Unicode. In Windows XP it should be used external editor that supports Unicode like Notepad++.
Left side which is in UPPERD_CASE shouldn't be edited, these are links. Right side after the "=" sign is a text which should be localized.
To update current available language corresponding file can be edited directly, new languages can be created based on English.lng.
First section [LANGUAGE_INFO] contains basic settings:
NAME - language name in English (like Ukrainian)
NATIVE_NAME - language name in translated language (like Українська)
FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE and FONT_CHARSET shouldn't be changed
GUI_FONT_* is a font of graphic window (player/club info)
AUTHOR - localizator name
VERSION - localization version
The '&' character:
It marks the shortcut letter. Example: &Options means if you press [Alt]+[F]+[O] it will open the Options menu.
You need to change the '&' position when localizing to make the shortcuts to work and to avoid the repetition: Example: in the menu there is 'About' and 'Help', in English it works fine but in Portuguese it is respectively 'Acerca' and 'Ajuda' so I must change the '&' position, because if I don't do so, both words will have the same shortcut: [Alt]+[F]+[A].
You may as well remove '&', it's not a big deal.
In case of any questions please contact Eugene.