Surprise Clues
Ok guys, while I'm waiting for the first part of my surprise to be ready, I'm going to give you guys some clues. These clues are number based and are about this story.Clue No.1: One section holds 15 parts. I will upload one at a time and when they are all up, I will make a list of them.
Clue No.2: The next section holds 5 parts. These will take more time to create but hopefully will be good.
Clue No.3: The third section contains just one part but it is massive, this will take the longest to upload.
The first part of the first section will be up tonight. Unfortunately due to a trip, I will only be able to use my IPhone until 20th August or so which means that the first part of the surprise will be the last for almost two weeks. I thank you guys for your patients and I hope that you will enjoy my next post.