Wow... just wow. This is absolutely incredible guys. I am so thankful for all of you guys that have supported my story from the very start.
I remember coming onto this site for the first time and starting this story (my first
ever story) and all of the support and comments I got that drove me on to keep writing.
And now, here I am, 100 pages later, with a Story of the Month title and well over 1000 replies and 80,000 views. You guys are the best, I love you all, I love writing this story, and I love INTER MILAN.
Forza il Nerazzurri!
Thanks guys! This is awesome, I feel spezl
PAGE 100!! WOOO!!!
PAGE 100!!!!!

This has been one of the few stories that I have actually followed on here - before I was a member

Curious to see how you take it forward
100 pages.
Jks, one of the best stories on the site of all time imo, the sheer class of each and every single update is superb. Well done, great achievement Neal!
Hahaha you guys are the best. That picture of the cat honestly is beautiful :3
Almost 1500 replies too o.O
Denzy: Lot's of milestones will be met soon!
The Call
Boredom. No other word to describe it. The television flickered in the background, flashing some news about Arsenal trying to fight Manchester United for the Premier League title. Something about Conte saying Spalleti's United didn't have the quality to take the league. Prick. Though, can't say I missed the bit of competition he brought me when he was at Juve.
Goodness knows how long it's even been, without a job, sitting here in my home. The family was out on winter vacation from school in Spain, and so here I was, alone. Probably only a single day since my trial, and another week or so until the appeal date, I figured.
The reporter began talking about my 'match-fixing scandal', something about Italians ruining football. I tried drowning it out, tried focusing on the meal growing cold in front of me as I sat, not even touching it, but that didn't work. I shut of the television, and reached for a chip.
The phone rang.
"Hello?" I was greeted in return by silence, and a quiet, covert pattern of breathing.
"I can hear you there. Who is this?" Still no reply.
I began to put down the phone, when at last the voice spoke out in a deranged whisper, and fear and anger jolted up my spine.
"You thought you'd get away with cheating, did you?"
Could it be?
"There's no way you could have won all of those trophies fairly. A couple of calls to some referees you bribed proved my point, a letter or two to some players you contacted."
No, no, he wouldn't. It couldn't be.
"And now, you pay the price, little bastard. Only true, fair champions deserve to bring home trophies."
"Antonio..." I was speechless. Rivals, maybe, but this?
"Goodbye, Beppe. Enjoy your life without football."
I set the phone down, fell back into my chair, and held my head in my hands. For the second time in two days, a single word rang through my mind, echoing, taunting.
Grats on 1900 posts too! haha
Am intrigued to see where this goes... I do enjoy reading about these events, it adds quite a bit to the story, and it works well. This is a well-written update, well executed, and intelligent. How you get out of this, though, is what we're waiting for.
Good luck, and Godspeed