Oriental Change Rooms - Post Game
I'm walking towards the coach that's going to take us back to Lisbon. We've just beaten Braga 1-0 courtesy of Caetano's late strike and now we just want to go gome after an exhausting match where we were pushed. The added continental football really isn't helping, either, so most of the players fall asleep on the way back.
Approaching the coach, I had the sudden realisation that I'd forgotten something - my whiteboard. "Cristiano," I yelled out to the veteran ahead of me. "Tell the coach driver I need to grab something."
He stuck his thumb up to me and I quickly walked back down the corridor underneath the stands and turned left towards where the players' changing rooms were. I looked back and it seemed like everyone was getting on the bus so I hurriedly went into the changerooms.
Just as I was about to walk in, however, I heard shouting. "Get away from me!" one voice yelled. I heard squeaky shoes on the floor and out of nowhere a man, possibly an adolescent, shoved into me and ran away.
"Stop him," I yelled, and several players turned around and a couple sprinted after him. I looked back to the changerooms and saw Pedro Monteiro standing there, he still looked a little shellshocked.
"Who was that man?" I asked calmly.
"I don't know boss," he said nervously. "He just came in and.. and just shoved this little tube into my hands."
"What's in the tube, Pedro?" I quizzed, again calmly, trying to comfort him. He looked a little frightened. The 22-year old slowly handed me the tube, and I grabbed it from him. I looked at it, but there was nothing on it. I turned it around in my palm and saw the label.
It read: "Stimulants". It was a tube of performance enhancing drugs.
I looked at Pedro and he looked back, worried. This did not look good. Not one bit.