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Killymoon Rangers: To Infinity And Beyond

Michael's Diary contains entertaining entries, funny and different from the average FM story, with a bold pinch of lampoon and perversion. Some of the entries are considered PG-18, so please be warned!
Started on 27 November 2012 by Michael
Latest Reply on 6 July 2014 by Justice
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Diary Entry 9

March 17th, 2012.

Dear Diary,

We are having a bad time. The players have listened too much to old speeches of Chavez, and they are like "Viva la Revolution". I'm getting a hard time keeping them in check, and the finin barely works. Luckely i have my whips, my tasers, and a dog which I borrowed from a certain Footballer.

We first played to Queens university. We guys liked it there. We took TheChosenOne with us, which wasn't a great idea. All those girls there has now filed restraining orders against him, I was able to stop them for filing those Sexual Assault charges, which costed me a lot. Good luck there wasn't any evidence, All those virgins are still virgins, except for the first inch. We wee chased away with a 3-1 win.

After this match we had the 1/4th final, and it was the first of 2 times my team went into revolution state. Portsteward won, with 3-4, and we are out. The other loss was against Moola Town. I threathened to send Heskey and TheChosenOne to them, while Vlad was taping, and they kept quiet afterwards. The only one who said bring it up, is now in the hospital, and the video is declined by RedTube, because it was a bit too extreme.

In the league I'm still 1st by a big margin. Without TheChosenOne (who was shooting other video's for his Gay's Gone Wild series) we won 4-3 (Armagh), 1-0 (Dundela) and 4-0 (Ballyclare), while we played a 2-2 draw against Ballymore United. We still won in the Mid Ulster Cup, due a 3-0 win on Loughgall, and are now heading for 3 prizes: The league, the Mid Ulster Cup, and the League Cup.

Speak to you soon, need to hide for TheChosenOne, who wants me as their next cameraman, as he stopped and went doing Warreports in Palestina. He said that the images from Palestina looked better than here in Northern Ireland.

"who was shooting other video's for his Gay's Gone Wild series"
Did I said already that you'r a genius? lol
spelling mistakes, spelling mistakes everywhere! ;)

And you have the nerve to call my story a porn story!! :P
You know it is a Michael de la Parra story only when there is talk of RedTube, Gorillas and football.
Michael's avatar Group Michael
12 yearsEdited

Diary Entry 10

Dear Diary,

I'm So sorry you had too see that. So damn sorry. I think this is probably the worst thing what you've ever seen, and I count the Gorilla's ass into that. That group-rape of Rookie done by Materazzi, Pepe, Heskey, Andrew, Van Bommel and Ricky Martin was just too horrible. All those whips, those Horrible screams of Rookie, while he was gasping for air. I can't get it of out my mind.

It went on and on for weeks. ejay was watching, but couldn't last for long, and so did Or, Craig and Mark. It was just too horrible. When Rookie saw Terry, Balotelli, De Jong and Jaap Stam he snapped, and blacked out. That was around the 4th week, and we had some pretty nice matches in meantime. Knockbreda were send back to their cosy home with 8-0, probably the same amount of cumshots Rookie had in that time.

After that we had 2 cups, But just 1 girl (Rookie). The Mid Ulster Cup was won with 3-0, which was the view from beneath when Craig was busy. We won 4-0 from the Distellery in the League Cup, which secured our second Cup. We got a 10-year supply from them, in trade for 16 copies of the final extended videoseries of the Nick Licks Dick serie.

For the rest we had 6 more leaguematches. Portsteward was a 4-1 win, The PSNI was a 3-0 win, and a few sets of handcuffs, for 5 copies of the Nick Bend's Over calender. Chimney Corner was the Match we became Champion. 4-1 was the final standing, and also against no.2 Wakehurst were sent back with those numbers. Lurgan Celtic was a 3-0, and the last match was Annagh United.

3 Prizes, and a few stars who are now a little bit of a rounder shape. A good season after a(na)ll. And Again: Sorry you had too see this Diary, I will make it up to you :)

"A good season after a(na)ll"

Michael, just one thing to say.

I just have to say this: "It was a traumatic experience, I'm bruised and battered and still scraping cum off of my ass. I hope never to go back to that place. When Terry introduced me to his not-so-little friend, I could feel my anus rip to pieces!"
After that we had 2 cups, But just 1 girl (Rookie).

Amazing story, keep it up
2012-12-04 09:55#70844 Becks : Amazing story, keep it up

That's what SHE said

If you know what i mean...

Diary Entry 11

Sept 20, 2012

Dear Diary,

Yeah, we finally finished the pre-Season. After we became champion, we wanted to have a professional License too. We needed something as a trade, and luckely we had an old friend for a visit. Whispers came, and so did the rest of the FA-board, over whispers to be exactly. After he had his slimy shower the board approved us the professional status, saying: We never had such a professional who sucked better than my niece.

We needed a bit more class in the team, So we did the whispers-on-tour. Prizes were pretty low, and we made a lot of money, due the capacities of whispers. From the money we signed a few players, and we now have a pretty wide squad, with in every line 1 or 2 people who are just a lot better. They onl wanted to cum for the free blowjob everyday, where I needed to scedule Rookie, Or, Aksh, whispers, the mayors daughters and Vlad so everyone got something warm in them.

We had 4 matches in the pre-season: MK-Dons was a 1-1 draw, and Sport and Leisure, Queens University and Downpatrick were defeated, and their managers wives had some real wood afterwards. Too bad whispers was exhausted from all the breathplay with Rookie, so he couldn't help.

Than the first league match came. Boschi was going to play his first match ever, and after 26 minute he had his first red card ever. Even I would have given it. But yeah, Diary, he needed to do some naughty work. Luckely the Mayors Daughters had some spare room in their bed, and Boschi was a bit afraid. His face went pretty white, but on the other side, It could have been me who finished on his face.

After that 2-2 and red we played 3 more matches: Dergview ended with a 10-1 win, the same ratio of Tranny's/man in the bukkakescene for Rookie's latest video. After that we played in the 1st round of the League Cup, PSNI was easely put away with 5-0, Limavidy was also set away with 5-0.

We had a nice start, scoring 22 and getting just 3 goals against, just the amount of votes for being professional. You can Imagine how many loads he took for our Team.

Hey Diary, Speak to you later, whispers has waken up, I need to look if he's tied enough for taking the load of Terry and heskey.

:)) I'm enjoying this
Not the face! Anywhere but the face! :P

Diary Entry 12

Oct 10th, 2012

Dear Diary,

It has been a while. Good to see you finally getting into rehab. I know it were rough night, going through the gay bars in Las Vegas, but I was surprised you were snorting the Cocaïne from the dicks, before Glenn even had a shot at sucking it both at once. Not that he probably could have reached, while the guards were tasering him in his balls, but it is the principle.

Before the match against Portadown (4-0 win in the League cup 2nd round) I did not suspect it, but becoming a hardcover while you were a paperback rose some questions to me. Knowing that Glenn was the drugaddict here, I visited while he was blowing Sheen for 2 grams, but he was too silent. Probably because he nearly choked when Charlie went all the way down.

My curiosity was raised, after I found Glenn on the toilet pot during the game against Glebe (2-1 win, league), thinking it was a very low drinking fountain, while he was tripping on LSD, and my thoughts were confirmed when Glenn, dehydrated due to the XTC, begane streaking during the league match against Ballinamalard United (4-1 win). When arrested, they brought him to me, and he told me you were taking speed at that time, while getting rear fucked by a very familiar grey Gorilla and a Peruvian naked dog.

So, During the league match against Laughgall (6-0 win) I was planning the intervention for you and Glenn, and During the Banbridge league match (5-2) win the team were discussing the details. So when the match against Linsfield (4-4, 2-4 after penalty's, 3rd round league cup) was over, we dragged you 2 to the basement, and strapped you on 2 seats. After letting you wants 3 episodes of Gays gone wild, under supervision of Vladimir, you were OK getting sent to rehab. So we let you guys do a complete rectal exam, given by Heskey and Terry, and gave you both 3 grams of cocaïne to calm your nerves.

Too bad Glenn went immidiately to his dealer, to suck the shit out of him. Never knew he was rimming-fan. After that incident he was kidnapped, raped by the national team of Uruguay, and sent back, but his 10 day period was ended for free subscription for the rehab-clinic. He's trying to kick in my door at the moment, because I have taken his needles full of herion.

But hey, Diary, need to go now, I want get my pants down before he breaks in, so atleast he gets something warm inside.

:)) dem drugs

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