The Shade 0-1 Neal Hasan

He walked into the restaurant, the delicate cutlery set out beautifully, a sweet aroma filling the room. He showed the restaurant staff his card and walked into the staff only area, where he was sure his guest awaited him. Tied up in a chair, there he was. Neal Hasan. AS Romas beloved owner who was pumping ludicrous amounts of money into the club, allowing the manager to sign young, disloyal players.
He had ordered the kidnapping of Hasan from his house. Had got a group from the Mafia to do it and they had been effective. They had even set up his Video Camera, ready to tape Hasan getting his brains blown out. He placed his balaclava over his head, Hasan had a gag on but he now removed it. He decided he wasn't going to speak. He was going to let Hasan panic.
"So you are the infamous Shade I'm guessing" said Hasan, in a calm manner.
This threw the Shade, he expected screaming and panicking but Neal was cool as a refrigerator at the North Pole. He's putting on an act he thought, trying to throw me. He went back to preparing the Video Camera, for the greatest show ever.
Outside the Italia Police converged on the building. Hasan had released the press statement as a mechanism to lure out "The Shade". They had watched as Hasan was kidnapped and dragged to this restaurant. They had waited until, they saw a shadowy figure with his hood up and head down enter the building, after hours. Now they surrounded it and closed in.
He had finished prepping the video camera and now was preparing the script that Neal was going to read before he died. He had it written and just needed to print it off. Then he heard the plate clatter. It took him a moment to realise what was going on but when he did he reacted expertly. He charged for the window and jumped through, he had left it open in case of an emergency like this. He landed on the tarmac and saw how stupid the Police, or whoever it was, had been. They had 2 men watching the back but neither of them were watching the alleyway. As soon as both were looking away he charged down the alley.
It had all been an elaborate trap. Hasan had lured him out with his treachery and the police had been waiting to pounce. They had tried to trick him. But nobody tricked "The Shade". He was too clever for them. However one thing was certain.
He would get revenge...