Hasan Enraged By "The Shade"
Roma owner Neal Hasan has yet again gone public with his hatred of "The Shade".
Mr Hasan blasted The Shade in his recent Press statement, claiming him to be a ignorant, idiotic fool with an ego the size of China. Hasan went on to mention that The Shade should just turn himself in and he would personally assure he was dealt with leniently. Leniently meaning the only remove 1 of his testicles...
Our correspondent Mike Platt was the man who received Mr Hasans statement that read this :
"The Shade is fast becoming the most hated man in Italia. He has caused havoc, kidnapping peoples wife's, smashing up my very own home. He is a class A plonker. An utter egotistical, selfish prat. This statement will probably encourage him to attempt something else but let him, see if I care. If he does try anything else, we will be ready. Oh did I also add he held me hostage and attempted to shoot me. Please, we need your help people of Rome. If you see anyone lurking suspiciously around the Stadio Olimpico or any of the players houses, alert the police. This man is officially now viewed as a threat to National Security. He can be taken by lethal force, I have the permission of Mr Berlusconi to issue this decree. RPD (Rome Police Department), which ever police man gets this rebel he will receive a healthy reward, and remember I am a very rich man."
So as you can see Mr Hasan is evidently angered and dismayed. We at BBC would just like to say that like Mr Hasan that we want The so called "Shade" to be found and arrested. This man is a threat to Rome and needs to be taken out. Long Live Neal.
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The Shade was on Facebook and he saw a link to the BBC website. The link was entitled "Neal Blasts Shade". He clicked it and was enraged at this man's arrogance and determination. He was going to get him and take him down. He stepped into his front room and picked up a slightly more powerful weapon than his Walther. Yes, just a tad.
He was going to make a bang