The Shade
He had seen the
"brilliant" Neal Hasan's message to the world and was already plotting his assassination. Yes, he was. His cold heart and his superb mind had begun the meticulous planning and he was going to take down Mr Hasan and maybe deal with the other owners at the same time. He would wipe out Khalifa to but the other owner intrigued him. "The Rablador" as he was called, seemed to be clouded in anonymity, a bit like himself. He might be able to show "The Rablador" the light and that Neal Hasan was an ignorant fool who was going to ruin AS Roma (Authors Note : Sorry Neal!). The club didn't need players there because of the money, they wanted loyalists. Players who would if the time came, would play for nothing. Troopers. Legends.
He went into his cupboard and pulled out his old favourite. A Walther Pistol. He would use this gun to put a bullet in Mr Hasan's brain, whilst broadcasting it live across the entire Worlds televisions. He would need the help of an old friend to hack into the network but it was doable. He had contacts inside every major TV station. Inside Sky, BT, BBC and ITV, he had people. None of them knew who he really was of course. They knew him just as a footballer who hated the modern day game and wanted it to be reverted back to basics, and they agreed with him. Video Technology? He had a personal vendetta against it and when he got into power he would make sure it ceased to exist.
But first, to the present. He had a pesky rich businessman to take care of. He could take him down non-violently. One leak to the press about all his illegitimate and unethical dealings and he would be gone. But this man had publicly insulted him. And The Shade didn't like getting publicly insulted.
Neal Hasan, AS Roma Owner, would pay with his life...