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FM 2014 Tactics

FM 2014 Tactics

Find and share successful tactics in Football Manager 2014
How to create a successful tactic on Football Manager
What makes a tactic successful? Which factors can we fine-tune until we get ourselves a tactic that works? What steps to take? This is what you’ll learn in this guide.

Lucas' 4-2-4 Tactic v1
Lucas' 4-2-4 Tactic v1
26208   3812   4  
4-2-4 possession based tactic for Football Manager 2014!
The Better Half's Compact 4-4-2
The Better Half's Compact 4-4-2
33874   8505   3  
A direct and quick counter approach. Use it when you want to sit with many men behind the ball, trying to cut angles and deny space for the opponent.
The Better Half's Gyroscope
The Better Half's Gyroscope
24385   4244  
Focus the play using triangles. The key is to outnumber and overload all areas the ball is played on when in possession.
The Better Half's Deep 4-2-3-1
The Better Half's Deep 4-2-3-1
68253   14292   1  
A split symmetrical counter approach. Whilst trying to keep possession and play compact, denying space between our 3 blocks, we still try more risky passes and utilize more width when attacking.
4-4-2 classic by OgunHaci
4-4-2 classic by OgunHaci
37123   9863   3  
I'm successful with this tactic. It doesn't matter if your team is weak or strong. Make sure to have fast wingers and strikers for better results.
4-5-1 ToxicGem
4-5-1 ToxicGem
57072   12460   7  
I have tinkered with these tactics for a few days now and seem to work great for my team in multiple saves I tried. Good luck all.

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