Thank you Glenn...anyone who knows me will be able to tell you that I talk far too much, and I do act the fool a bit. I would hope that comes through in my writing. But I, like everyone need to evolve to ensure I am meeting the needs of my audience, so positive feedback is always appreciated.
I may go back to England at some point, but I wouldn't expect it to be for a while, after my experience with Derby (ie loved the managerial side, hated getting shafted by the Board), I am not in a hurry to go back!! For now, at least, I want to teach the readers about different leagues and the "unfashionable" leagues. I know, in the same breath, I have just qualified for a European comp!
The biggest challenge here is to get the team back in the black, as they are losing money quicker than a gambling addict at the Casino.....
2012-12-02 03:07#70481 Glenn T :
I love how you keep writing and writing without much screenshots. Your writing is enough to keep me engaged
Maybe you should make a story with an English team soon? I loved your Derby story
Keep it up, my fruity friend.