Or Dabool, you have never changed since arriving here. I remember you being a bright, talented writer who always offered help to people and was good at making friends, here we are some five months later and you have not changed, apart from you being an admin. Anyway, I thought I'd better write a speech for you. Be warned, I'm no public speaker or a manage or any kind of motivator, but I'll give it my best shot!
Or, you have given your life to this site and expected nothing in return. You took criticism on the head and you vowed to be a great worker, a great leader and a great friend, all of which you became. Now you must go to the army and prove you are all these things again. You wouldn't believe this but I saw your first ever story and I used to say to Akash that "this person is going to turn out to be one of the greatest writers here" and you know what, it was a privilege to see you develop, as a writer and as a member. I would like to think I always looked out for you, gave you pointers, gave you encouragement but I realised something. You became your own man and now it is time for you to go out in to the world and forge your path, your destiny, your life.
Do not ever let somebody tell you that you cannot do something. I know you can, I have seen you perform miracles. If you have a dream, you have to protect it. You have to fight with your teeth and nails to protect that dream. You can't sit down and watch your opportunity drift past. Trust me, I know all about squandering my chances. You can't do that, you have to fight for your life when you are out there because everybody else will do the same. You want to be your own man, live your own life and have your own family, it takes commitment and desire. All around the world there will be people who will want to hurt you, given the chance. You cannot let them, do not let them. The minute you let someone else better you, the battle has already been decided. You have to fight for every god-damned inch of rubble!
When the going gets tough, remember one thing: you have all of FM Scout on your side. We are here for you and we will always be here for you. You have been a friend to me, now it is time for me to be a gaurdian for you. Never give up and remember to SMILE LIKE YOU MEAN IT
(Thought this video might bring back some nice memories
