Football Manager 2023 League Updates
Add more playable leagues to FM 2023, which are created with the Football Manager 2023 data editor. For example, you could unlock English non-leagues in FM23.
FM23 Polish lower leagues (down to 4th level) (23.4 version)
30583 3611 19Polish lower leagues for Football Manager 2023. Start your save as low as the 4th level in Poland.
FM23 Indian Super League
21386 2259 16Adds Indian Super League and I-League in realistic format. I League 2, Durand Cup, Hero Super Cup and State Leagues added.
Portuguese Distritais with Playable Youth Teams
498371 16321 52Up to eighth division of Portugal playable. You can also manage in youth competitions with 40+ youth teams available. Updated to 23.4
FIFA Club World Cup - 32 Teams
12608 885I have created a realistic 32 team FIFA Club World Cup as scheduled in real life that's happening in 2025.
FM23 Campianato Sammarinese (San Marino) by TMC
22745 3438First division and cups with accurate dates and format for 2022-23 and onwards.
Italian Leagues with Playable Youth Teams
33856 6063 7Italian Serie D and Eccellenza now fully playable with realistic format and several youth teams playable in 5 youth divisions. Updated for 23.3
FM23 Cosafa Cup, WAFU Nations, Francophone Games etc
8415 1013All African senior age international tournaments, and extra youth tournaments. A FM23 database by TMC.
TMC Gulf Cup, Arab Cup, WAFF U23
8632 1018International tournaments to complement my Arab Gulf leagues.
FM23 Qatar Stars League by TMC
12879 1495 3Most realistic Qatar DB for FM23. Qatari Stars League with accurate calendar for 2022 and beyond. Includes 3+1+1 roster rules with extra slot for Arab player.
TMC Rebranded MLS as NASL
10122 197 1MLS competitions and club are rebranded to adopt the colours, kits, and history of their old NASL counterparts. No changes to competition rules.
Saudi Pro League for FM23
40722 7305 4Most realistic Saudi Pro League for FM23. Detailed top two divisions, including accurate roster rules, Cristiano Ronaldo's arrival, and real-life scheduling for the 2022/23 season and beyond.
Slovenia Tier 3 for FM23
5610 660 1I added the third tier of Slovenian soccer/football. To use with Football Manager 2023.
FM23 Serbian Zone Leagues by Karna
9685 1371FM23 North Macedonian Leagues by Karna
7712 1040 1FM23 Montenegro Leagues by Karna
10170 983FM23 Bosnian Leagues by Karna
16480 3097Swedish Playable Lower Divisions
16329 1378 4An attempt to make all the Swedish lower divisions playable in FM23, just like Helsvenskan did for FM20. Currently only division 3 has been added.
Syrian Leagues & Cups for FM23
5409 610This is the Update for the full Syrian Leagues System & Cups structure following the real-life Syrian Leagues this Season 2022/23.
French Low Divisions (National 2 and National 3)
25087 3310 4French Low Divisions (France National 2 and National 3 available) with the French reform for the L1, L2 and National enabled.
Leagues Megapack 2023 by qwert2 (NOW OPEN ALL UNLOCK) & 24 Competitions.
83814 12854 44Create all closed and inactive tournaments and you will be able to play 225 Leagues in the world when the pack is complete.
Lithuania Level 3 for FM23
7943 1075 1Unlock the Lithuanian leagues down to the 3rd division, plus cups. A database for FM 2023.
Serbian tier 3 leagues (Srpske lige) by Karna
13133 1364 1FM23 France - National 3
16884 1711 1I have unlocked the French National 3 league (D5) for Football Manager 2023.
Malaysia League 2023
15282 1444 3Unlock the Malaysian leagues down to the fourth tier with this FM23 database.
Israel Lower Leagues for FM23
9126 1477 2Unlock Israeli's lower leagues down to the fifth tier with this database for Football Manager 2023.