Football Manager 2023 League Updates
Add more playable leagues to FM 2023, which are created with the Football Manager 2023 data editor. For example, you could unlock English non-leagues in FM23.
FM23 Scotland - The Real Life Complete Pyramid
22314 2578 8Unlocks all of the real-life pyramid system in Scotland for Football Manager 2023. Fully tested and working as it should.
Netherlands Level 10 for FM23
20487 3809 20The Netherlands Level 10 Database for FM 2023 with all real leagues, promotion until the Eredivisie.
Netherlands by Reinalda
3751 1Realistic Dutch database down to tier 7
Azerbaijan Premier League for FM23
11699 1965 1Azerbaijan Premier League has been added with real rules (from official websites and authorized people).
England Tier 10 - FM23 Database
75560 12189 17Unlock England's lower leagues down to level 10 with cups. English football pyramid for Football Manager 2023.
Poland Lower Leagues (Level 5) for FM23
78800 19748 26Unlock Poland lower leagues down to level 5 for Football Manager 2023. Created by bartekr & kajetanor.
The Netherlands Lower Leagues for FM23 by Doomdots
29034 3254 7Unlock the Netherlands football pyramid all the way down to the 7th tier with this FM 2023 database.
FM 23 - Austria Tiers 3 and 4
19961 2847 6I have unlocked the Austrian football pyramid down to the Landesligen (Tier 4). Have fun bringing these clubs to the top of Europe.