Football Manager 2024 Database
Find Football Manager 2024 data updates that enable you to fix fake competition names, add new leagues, get roster updates & take on custom scenarios in FM24.
FM24 Red Bull Porto
13655 1302 5RB Porto joins the Red Bull family as the newest club in Portugal for FM 2024.
Femme Fatales FC
5259 196 2Ever watched movie The Expendables? This is exactly it except it's female celebrities in FM.
FM24 Eagle Football Holdings Lazio Takeover
4749 235In this scenario Lazio is owned by Eagle Football Holdings and is at the head of an affiliation system.
FM24 Russia to AFC (club and national teams)
5557 617 14Russian teams join the Asian Football Confederation and its competitions
CONCACAF Leagues for FM24 by MasterIgor v24.6 (with Coefficients)
45186 10730 81Leagues and cups in real formats for all member federations of the CONCACAF (North and Central America). (for Official 24.3.0 Database only)
ConIFA Database for FM 24 by Chillumu (Club & International)
5531 303 8ConIFA international & continental club comps based on past & planned tournaments with playable non-FIFA teams (Other databases must be added - Links provided)
FIFA Club Competitions by MasterIgor v24.0
11586 2183 7FIFA Club World Cups in real formats. (for Official 24.3.0 Database only)
UEFA Leagues for FM24 by MasterIgor v24.5
61839 13279 80Leagues and cups in real formats for all missing member federations of the UEFA (Europe). (for Official 24.3.0 Database only)
FM24 Euro 2028 hosted by Britain and Ireland
2918 382 4Sets 4 co-hosts for Euro 2028, can't set 5 hosts without adjusting qualifying (watch this space)
FM24 Finalissa (Euro/SAM Super Cup) reactivated
2998 456 8Reactivates the (in-game) dormant Finalissima and places it in March 2026, as planned in real life
FM 24 Micronesia (D1) by Chillumu (All State Leagues & Cups)
2205 171Comprehensive database for Micronesia, including all state leagues, cups and a national super cup. Kept as realistic as possible with a few fantasy elements.
AFC & OFC Nations League for FM24 by Chillumu [Link Fixed]
6215 1089 5Fantasy database that explores the implementation of Nations Leagues for Asia and Oceania with existing and upcoming competitions and fixture congestion in mind
FC Bullard (FM24 Fantasy Team)
4507 136 2I've made a custom database with a Football Team that is owned by the World Famous Jimmy Bullard & helped by Fenners.
Monster Energy Wolfsburg (FM24 Scenario)
6509 763Monster Energy inc buys Wolfsburg! Facilities upgraded to 5 stars. Can you bring them to glory?
FM24 European Super League by Nigel ~ v3.0 (Sept 14 2024)
62896 14020 50A 1024 team European Super League of 5 divisions all with reserve and youth teams.
Bordeaux Relegated!
11187 1264 5The famous French club Bordeaux has been relegated to National 1, corresponding to the 3rd division, due to financial problems.
[FM24] England In The Premier League
5767 158How would England fare if it entered the Premier League?
FM24 Inverted British League System
5201 253 1If you like the idea of the English "big six" languishing in tier six and the likes of Bonnyrigg Rose and Llantwit Major at the top of the pyramid, this will be
Fictional US League for FM24
3998 170 1Welcome to the Major Soccer League, a dynamic and expansive football management experience that takes you across a thrilling landscape of 80 teams spread over 19 groups.
FM24 World Super League w/ All-Star Teams
9146 628 3Play with the best players in football history in a brand new World Super League competition.
FM24 Season-Long Internationals
6857 500International Qualification Campaigns are no longer a thing, instead each Continent's major tourney and the World cup each take approximately a full season.
FM24 Northern Cyprus League Pyramid
4001 452 2This is a league pyramid of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus for Football Manager 2024.
Concept Database - Bahrain v Middle East (2000+ changes!)
1750 103 3Saudi, UAE and Qatar are three of the biggest footballing nations in the Middle East - all with ridiculous spending power. Now, there is a 4th. Bahrain have had a total revamp.
FM24 Argentina New Structure (4500 clubs!)
5159 531After 3 months of work, I finish this new structure for Argentinian football with 4500 clubs! Database for Football Manager 2024.
FM24 Chievo Verona Is Back In Serie D
4510 416 1With this database you will be able to return to play with Chievo Verona in Serie D (fourth level of the Italian pyramid).
[FM24] Retro Database 1966/1967
17888 1892 2Ever wondered what it would be like to go back to 1966/67 season? Well now you can with this unique database! Travel back in time to rewrite history!
FM24 Arsenal Tesla Takeover
7076 523Norway League Rules (FM24 DB)
2656 130Registration and substitutes rules changed in Norwegian divisions. A database for FM 2024.
Estonia - Dynamic Deadline Day
936 40Estonia build a nation database for FM24, with all the bells and whistles.